86) Almost Forgot A Title Again

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"Well, I think that went quite well," Hermione said as we left the Hog's Head, having finally finished moping about the heliopaths.

"That Zacharias bloke's a wart," Ron said, glaring at said wart's figure in the distance.

"He always wants to play Monopoly on Hufflepuff game night, but he knows we don't have the time for it!" I grumbled, also glaring at the wart. Monopoly was fun if you didn't have concerning amounts of homework to do.

"I don't like him much either," Hermione admitted, "but he overheard me talking to Ernie and Hannah in the library and he seemed really interested in coming, so what could I say? But the more people the better really — I mean, Michael Corner and his friends wouldn't have come if he hadn't been going out with Ginny —"

Ron gagged on his second butterbeer, "He's WHAT?" His ears were red in an instant. "She's going out with — my sister's going — what d'you mean, Michael Corner?"

"Who's Michael?" I asked Harry, who looked like he didn't want to be involved in the conversation at all.

"Ravenclaw boy."

"Ah, thanks. That really clears it up, seeing as there is only a single Ravenclaw boy. Well, I suppose he isn't single, actually, he's with Ginny." I glanced down at my watch. "Damn, I'm late. Told Draco I'd meet up with him ten minutes ago — see you guys later."


Draco didn't realize I was late. He was fiddling with a yo-yo, trying to make it sleep, and was failing miserably. It took him several seconds to notice me, "It's just physics, Percy, why isn't it working?"

"Because you have to be one with the yo-yo," I said somberly, gingerly taking the yo-yo from Draco. "Or maybe it's because this yo-yo is all screwed up inside. I let Connor borrow it for some prank, and when I got it back, it was covered in strange purple powder and squeaked. It was also originally yellow. I should've thrown it away. Wash your hands when we get inside."

"He's not going to let me use the sink," Draco looked at his hands in fear.

"Sure he is," I said. "I'll bite him if he doesn't."

We walked across Hogsmeade, back to where I'd started — the Hog's Head.

"You're back," Aberforth said glumly. "How many will be with you this time?"

"Sixty-nine-thousand-and-four-hundred-and-twenty," I said immediately.

"No, no, it's four-hundred-and-twenty-and-sixty-nine-thousandths," Draco shook his head.

"Ah, sorry, I've never been good with decimals. In fact, when I become god king of the world, I am going to ban them."

"When I become king god of the world, I'm going to make decimals mandatory," Draco said.

"Are you just saying the opposite of whatever I'm saying?"

"Pretty much," Draco grinned, then turned to look at the annoyed bartender. "Hey, Abby, can I use your sink?"


Draco turned to me, "See? Told you he wouldn't let me."

"It's because you called him Abby, now go wash your hands, you freak," I rolled my eyes. "He won't stop you. Now, we'll be over in the corner."

"Aye aye," Draco nodded, and I turned to look at Aamira, who was sitting in the same spot, but now was surrounded by a lot more butterbeers.

"What were you discussing earlier?" Aamira asked once I'd sat down, motioning to the tables we had all sat at.

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