The first day

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(E) Julia time to get up it's your first day of your senior year

(J) my first day in another new school

(E) kiddo I'm sorry we kept having to move but I can assure you we won't need to move any more

(J) alright

(E) I packed you a lunch, since I need to set up your school lunch account *handing bag*

(J) thanks uncle Eddie, I'll see you after school

(E) have a good day

(J) you too *leaving for school* first day of Hollingsworth High


(D) *running down hall* oh shit *running into julia*

(J) *falling to ground*

(D) I'm so sorry

(J) It's ok I'm ok

(D) *helping Julia up* I'm Devan

(J) Julia

(D) you seem new here since you don't look recognizable

(J) it's my first day but I'm looking for Mrs.Vegas class

(D) I'm devan and I'm headed the same way

(J) nice I guess I'll follow you

(D) yeah right this way *walking with Julia*

(Z) who's the girl with Devan?

(O) don't know

(Z) hey Devan

(D) hey guys I'm on my way to class

(O) who's the girl following you?

(D) this is Julia she's new here

(O) I'm opal nice to meet you

(J) nice to meet you

(O) this is my cousin Zane

(Z) nice to meet you Julia

(J) you too

(D) well were off too Mrs.Vegas class

(O) crap were gonna be late if we don't hurry up

(Z) *walking in class room*

(H) good morning students

(D) good morning Mrs.Vega

(H) and who might you be?

(J) I'm Julia Lopez the new transfer

(H) nice to meet you Julia, welcome to first period English I'm Mrs.Vega my students can tell you I'm pretty nice

(J) nice to meet you

(H) you can sit by Zane in the second row

(J) alright *sitting in seat*

(Z) who are your next classes?

(J) Higgins, then Gillian and afterwards Tyson

(Z) you have the last two as study hall, your lucky and the last teacher on your list is Guatemala but he went on leave and were expecting a new teacher some time soon

(J) alright "here's to my first day as a transfer student"

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