Seeing his job

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(E) nice to meet you principal Petrova

(P) it's nice meeting you Mr.Lopez, what brings you by?

(E) I needed to give you these signed papers from yesterday hospital about my niece Julia Lopez's absences

(P) *looking at papers* we will definitely mark your niece as excused absences, you may also run these by her teachers

(E) sounds fine by me

(P) *pulling up schedule* she has no sixth or seventh period *printing schedule* here you are Mr.Lopez

(E) *taking Julia's schedule* thank you

(P) have a good day

(E) *leaving office looking at class list* no sixth or seventh so the last teacher I will see is Mr.Gilbert that's Shawn Gilbert! What the hell!

(S) *setting class up* today's class will be an easy day

(E) *shoving door open* Shawn!

(S) Eddie what are you doing here?

(E) I don't want to yell but *showing Julia's schedule* since when we're you my niece's teacher!?

(S) at the start of second semester four months ago

(E) four months? How long have you and Julia been dating then?

(S) December before I became a teacher, I met julia by the Limabean in December when she slipped from the tree she was in and I had saved her, you remember that because you met me afterwards before julia and I started dating

(E) so you had been working as a teacher after you got with my niece?

(S) yes and I swear I'm telling the truth

(E) why didn't you tell me you were working at her school? Who knows this?

(S) julias friends and my brother Vince are the only ones who know, julia thought it would've been better if you only knew my first job since I had still been working at the limabean where she works now, I got a second job because I needed the money to pay off bills but I though you would've hated our relationship if you knew I was also her teacher

(E) *sitting on desk* I don't hate it I never did, whenever I lost my sister and brother in law it hurt me but it hurt julia more because she lost her parents, we had moved again but knew this was our home, julia had no friends at the time she was alone and always felt that was until joining Hollingsworth high, I was happy to see my niece make friends then happy to see their was someone that would choose to stay by her side and love her, I was happy you showed up in her life, I knew she wasn't alone anymore

(S) I'd always protect her, show her love, take care of her, I love your niece and she may be graduating in three weeks but someday I would love to marry her and give you guys a bigger family

(E) you want to marry my niece?

(S) yes I do, it may not be the time but it's whenever we're ready and I'd like to ask for your blessing

(E) I'll allow it I know you'd make a good husband to her some day

(S) I promise to, her graduation is May twenty fourth and her last day is May tenth

(E) sounds good, jest promise no more secrets and will need to tell julia that I know your her teacher

(S) I will and don't worry their won't be anymore secrets

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