Their fight

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(J) *on call* Devan I should be there soon

(D) it's no rush were still waiting on faith and opal as well

(J) alright that sh...

(L) *walking by taking Julia's phone*

(J) hey give that back

(L) atleast talk to me first since you keep pushing me away in class

- Devans side -

(D) Julia? Julia?

(Z) what's going on?

(D) Julia was talking to me and it sounds like someone took her phone

(Z) put it on speaker

(D) *setting call on speaker*

- Julia's side -

(J) well I'm a busy person why the fuck do you care?

(L) language little miss

(J) give me my phone back!

(L) can't you spend some time with me

(J) I don't need to Luis

(L) why's that?

(J) I need to get to my friends their waiting on me

(L) so what? They won't know I'm here talking to you

(J) oh really? When you snatched my phone I had been on call with Devan

(L) *looking at phone* you little

(J) courtyard

(L) *hanging up call*

- devans side -

(Z) she's at the courtyard

(D) let's meet her there now

(S) Devan Zane where are you headed?

(Z) Shawn

(D) it's Julia

(S) what's going on?

(R) what's happening?

(D) jest follow us now

(S) *running with Zane, Rick and Devan*

(L) your friends won't find you now

(J) they will

(L) *knocking Julia against wall* a quiet gal liked you seemed attractive when I first met you now I jest want to make you mine

(J) *pushing luis* I don't want you I already have someone

(L) they'll never know *grabbing julia* jest stay with me I'm the guy you need

(J) let go of me now!

(L) not a chance Missy

(N) *walking across courtyard* where are those guys?

(J) I said let go *shoving luis*

(L) you bitch! *slapping julia*

(N) what the? Julia! *running over to julia*

(L) a girl like you needs an ass whopping you know you should never disrespect me *kicking julia* listen you brat!

(D) Julia!

(R) julia! Wait is that?

(S) Vince

(V) *kicking luis down* get the fuck off her!

(S) *running over to julia* Julia!

(L) what the?

(Z) man you messed with the wrong girl

(D) you didn't think we heard julia before you hung up her phone

(V) so who's the dude getting an ass beating he deserves

(R) luis the new guy who turns out to be a play boy thinking every girl wants him

(S) julia are you ok?

(J) Shawn help me

(S) Vince carry julia to the nurse Rick you follow him, I'll send this one to the principals office

(L) Mr.Gilbert

(S) good to see you luis I see your mistreating my student which doesn't work great in a school that has a zero tolerance for bullying and fighting now let's go boys you know what to do

(Z) *holding luis left arm*

(D) *holding luis right arm*

(L) what are you doing to me!?

(S) taking you to the principals office

(V) *carrying julia* we got everything under control trust me my brother does

(J) thank you guys

(V) were going to go to the hospital instead

(R) Shawn's taking luis to the principals office julia, you can rest now that's guys gonna pay for what he did to you

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