Someone new

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(J) *sitting by devan*

(D) you hear theirs a new guy on campus

(J) no I didn't hear about any new guy

(D) he's in my first period and Ashley is definitely crushing on him

(J) but aren't you crushing on Ashley?

(D) that's been a secret only between us

(J) I know but you sound jealous that she likes him

(D) maybe I guess I am jealous

(S) alright everyone take your seats we have a new student in our class today

(D) I bet it's the guy Ashley likes

(J) relax Devan

(S) this is Luis Roderick he will be in our class for the remainder of the year

(D) Julia look up

(J) yes *looking up*

(L) Hola pretty lady

(J) um hi welcome to our class

(L) I'm Luis and you are?

(J) Julia

(L) say Julia would you like to spend some time together after class

(J) why?

(D) Julia is busy after class with her friends

(L) surprised you are speaking for her

(D) I'm a friend of her's

(L) I though you may be her boyfriend

(S) Luis take your seat already, class has started

(L) I will Mr.Gilbert, gosh teachers these days

(J) well then listen to him afterall your disrupting class to talk to me

(L) damn fistie girl

(J) Luis it was nice meeting you but please go away and sit down

(L) alright alright I will but maybe I could get your number

(J) I'll pass

(D) Luis go sit, leave my friend alone

(S) Julia I need you to run an errand for me

(J) coming *walking away from Luis*

(L) you can't leave me

(Z) *holding Luis back* take your seat

(L) fine I will *sitting in seat*

(S) that new guy is getting on your nerves isn't he?

(J) definitely

(S) Zane just scared him away to his seat but I'll have you run the papers to the deans for iss students

(J) alright

(S) message me if that guy gets on your nerves, I'll move him far away from you and have your friends on each side of you in their seats

(J) I will thank you

(D) thanks for scaring that guy off

(Z) he was passin Julia off and started getting on my nerves that dude can learn to back off instead of keep on bothering her

(D) Shawn noticed it too, he was sending Julia out to get away from him

(Z) will keep an eye on the new guy

(D) yeah we will

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