Chapter 1: laters gators!

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I wake up to the sound of Steven trying to get out of bed.
I opened my eyes to see him face flat on the floor.
"Steven? Are you ok?" I ask him.
"Yeah, im fine darling. Just might need a little help please thank you." He says still on the floor.
I get out of the soft and warm bed sheets and remove his foot restraint.
"Thanks." He says.
"Your very welcome babe." I say walking out of bed yawning.
It was 8:40 am. A bright sunny day was ahead of us.
I took my clothes from the closet and went in the bathroom to change.
When I came back from changing into more comfortable clothes, i saw him reading a book about Egypt mythology.
"What are you reading?" I say resting my head on his shoulder.
"Epyptian mythology. It's very interesting, you know. Do you think one day we could be somewhere in Egypt learning about the country, eating some great food and exploring mythical legends?" He asks.
"Yes of course! One day, we will be there. We will be having all the fun we can have in Egypt." I say smiling. "And darling, when does your shift start?" I ask so he wouldn't be late.
"At 9h20! Oh bullocks! It's 9h15! I better get ready before everyone gets angry at me for not arriving on time!" He says storming off to the bedside table.
"Where is my name tag?" He asks panicking.
"On the desk here love!" I say loudly so he could hear me.
"Thank you so much darling." He says kissing me goodbye for work.
"Have a great time at work!" I say.
"Thank you, you too! Laters gators!" He says closing the door.
I let out a small laugh.
"I love when he says that." I mutter to myself.
I worked at a small cafe near by Steven's job. He always comes during his breaks to talk and hangout with me until his break is done. It was a pretty packed cafe but was fun to work at. I loved making coffee. I'm in charge of making the food and drink and sometimes even work at the register.
My shift starts at 9:35 am, 15 minutes after Steven's shift.
If Donna doesn't lock Steven in the basement for him to restock, he is always at the register ready to help everyone in the building. I go visit him sometimes and bring him coffee.
It was 11h00 am, our most packed hour at the cafe.
Steven was calling me.
"I GOTTA TAKE THIS REAL QUICK!" I say to the staff. They all raise a thumbs up at me and continue their jobs.
"Hello Y/n here!" I say.
"Hey darling!" He says. "When are you free for a date night?"
"Anytime darling! I always have time for you!" I say in a loving voice.
"Ok perfect. Cause I know you're busy and you're birthday is around the corner so I wanted to ask you. Thank you for responding to me Y/n. I love you! Laters gators!" He said.
"Love you! Laters gators!" I reply.
I put my phone in my pockets and go back to my job.
This time for our breaks, I went to see Steven with fresh coffee.
"Heyyy!" I say to Steven showing the coffe I made.
"Aww thank you so much love!" He says giving me a hug and kissing my forehead.
"Who's this? Did she pay a ticket?" Donna came out of nowhere.
"She's my girlfriend. She only comes on my breaks." He says holding my hand.
"Oh. Didn't know you had a girlfriend. I'm happy you got one." She says staring me up and down judging me like I was a maniac or something.
"Thanks Donna." Steven responds.
We walk away to a bench close to the employee only room.
"Why was she so pressed I didn't pay my ticket?" I say laughing.
"I really don't know." Steven replies laughing.
When we had finished our breaks, we got back to our jobs.
Steven at the gift shop selling candy and hippo goddess toys for the rest of the day, and me making coffee and food for also the rest of the day.
After that we came back home.
"Hello again Y/n!" He says kissing me.
"Hey Steven! What do you want to do tonight?" I ask him.
"I'm not sure. Maybe we could eat at home and watch a movie or something?" He asks me.
"Great idea!" I say looking for my keys.
"Where are my keys for my car?" I say.
"Right here" he says with them between his fingers.
"You are the best. I'm going a the grocery store darling. I'm going to come back really soon! Bye little Stevie!" I say opening the door and closing it in a rush.
I came back to the table all set up and two glasses of wine.
"Steven, you are adorable." I say as he comes up to me.
I put down the groceries in the kitchen and made food with Steven by my side.
After that, we ate the pizza we made and turned on the tv.
"What do you want to watch?" He looks at me.
"Star Wars! The good old ones." I say.
We put on Star Wars and fell asleep.
It was 11h00 so I tried to wake him up but it didn't work so I just carried him to his bed.
I put on his leg restraint and asleep on his chest.

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