cartoon cat x shy reader

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You are heading to that abandoned mall while you are wearing a hoodie with the sad face and your bangs covering your eyes from people seeing your injured eye, you enter the abandoned mall, you didn't noticed that somebody is watching you, you weakly and cowardly walked to the room and sits by the corner of the abandoned room, until you heard some strange noises some footsteps and some music from the distance, you got up and ran to the noise until you saw a tall black cat with gloved in his paws/hands, you tried to run away but he stared and stared at you.

"W-who are you?!" You asked while yelling.

"I wouldn't tell about my business, toots" he said with a diabolical grin.

" what do you mean?" You asked.

"Playing a game of cat and mouse what I mean, the rules are pretty simple, the one runs and the others chases and catches, so better start running" he said.

" What?" You asked confused.

" RUN BITCH" he yelled.

You begin running and you are attempted to exit

"I love it when she runs" he thought to himself, and chases after you.

Meanwhile with you

You are searching for the exit but it's nowhere to be seen

" Where is the exit?" You thought to yourself.

"Shit, the exit is unstable" you said to yourself.

Cartoon cat walks closer to you and kneeled down in front of you.

"You really killing the mood of the game" he said.

"Don't you d-dare try to her me" you said while shivering.

"The rules are try and escape, but that didn't happen, I can do whatever I want and I had my own ways, you seem pretty adorable" he said with a smirk.

"S-so you are not gonna kill me" you said.

"No, I had something in mind" he said.

"And what will it b-be?" You asked.

"This" he said

He smashed his lips on yours and pulled out his tongue in your mouth and moves around like his territory, cartoon dog enters in.

"Hey brother, did you catch your prey?" He asked then froze in shock and saw you kissing.

Both of you released and both panting for air.

"I ship it!!"cartoon dog yelled.

"Shut up, cartoon dog" he yelled.

"No, he ship us as........I don't know what to say" you said.

"Lovers? That's what your supposed to say" he said.

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