Chapter 1: Past comes to Present

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|| Why, why did it have to be her? "So anyways that's my elder sis, she goes to Ouran," Raiden explained, but I couldn't focus as I stared at her. Her long ivory hair was wild and untamed making her seem seductive as I could feel her heterochromia orbs glaring down at me. Red puckered lips, ivory skin, and a figure that would make any woman jealous. She is the one woman I rejected, and I wish I didn't. I couldn't help as my eyes trailed after her, her large grin to how she would laugh during some mess-ups. Yet she was singing the lyrics perfectly dancing around in a tight black costume that made her curves more visible, I hated how revealing it was. But loved seeing her in it, she was a new woman. No longer shy, conservative and I hope a small part of her from her younger self is still there. She strutted up, hips swaying almost hypnotically as she pulled a hoop and landed on the rail leaning over with a large smirk. "Hey, short stuff, whose ya friends?" Raiden grinned at his twin, "the Host club I was telling you about, I'm sure you know a few." She hummed hoping down and glanced at me, my body froze as she plastered a smile and spoke. "Hello, Ootori." ||

She grinned mischievously, and I fixed my glasses. "Lucilfer." She turned her gaze and gasped with a small giggle hugging Fujioka. "Haruhi! I missed you!" She cooed as the brunette smiled and hugged her back, "senpai? I didn't know you were related to Raiden?" She questioned as Thorn huffed, "how many times do I have to tell you, no senpai just call me Thorn." She puckered those red lips as Haruhi grinned and she turned, "Mitsu! Takashi! Glad to see ya two again!" She chirped as Mori smiled giving his signature nod as Honey hugged her. They're on first-name bases? "Thorn! So glad to see you again, I didn't know you came back from America?" She giggled, "yeah I and Ma just arrived a month ago was gonna surprise ya two at Ouran!" His orbs widened as Mori ruffled the albino's hair Raiden paled, "sorry sis, would've waited if I knew." She glanced at the male, "Nah it's all good, wasn't a big deal which is why I didn't tell ya." He grinned and nodded, "Haruhi who is this?" Tamaki whined staring at the girl as she tilted her head with a hum, "I could ask ya the same blondie." She plastered her signature fake smile as he paled as she emitted a dark aura. "Thorn this is Tamaki Senpai, Senpai Thorn Lucilfer my childhood friend." His orbs widened at the albino and I raised a brow, childhood friend? "Thorn we didn't know Haruhi Chan was also your childhood friend?" What? The girl chuckled, "I met you two before Haruhi, in truth we met when my family first moved to Japan. When I met you two beforehand in America during those tournaments when we fought against each other." Honey did a big 'Ah' sound and giggled as Mori shifted. "Why are we-" "being left out." The twins said and pouted, I watched as her blue and gold orb shifted to the gingers. Long lashes dyed in black fluttered as her lips twitched to a side smirk, almost grin as she hummed. "Because you didn't say anything." They pouted as their conversation never met my ears as I stared at her. Why was I a stupid child? Ironic I know, I was so blind to what she portrayed that I never saw the real her. I'm glad she still has that grin, that sassy side we rarely saw. There's still a part of her, though she's grown but how much? "Kyoya?" Tamaki nudged my speaking quietly, I snapped out of it glancing at him, his brows were knitted as the others were chatting. "Are you okay, do you know Lucilfer more than acquaintances?" I paused pursing my lips and spoke, "not here Tamaki." His orbs widened but nodded, he may act like an idiot but he's a damn good friend. "Thorn go put on appropriate clothes and head home, Ma is sure to be worried." She hummed, agreeing with him. "No problem, don't stay out too late and get home safe." He rolled his eyes ignoring how he momed him with a sigh. "Yeah, yeah." She waved and left, "when is she starting at Ouran?" Haruhi asked as the male shifted ruffling his long ivory hair. "Probably this commin week, unless somethin comes up." She smiled and nodded. "I'm glad she's back." He grinned and ruffled her hair, "same, now since ya all met the eldest of us let's go ahead and leave this place. Fucking loud as hell." He grumbled as Tamaki scolded him for the hundredth time today.

Tamaki leaned on the couch as he sighed, "are you going to tell me now?" I glanced as I kept typing on my computer as I sat on the floor. "We met in middle school, my father or mother knows her family. I'm not sure exactly since they never said what they meant to the family. So I had to show her around, she was so quiet back then, timid, never said anything jumped at the smallest thing or flinched when someone reached a handout. It was difficult to show her around, she never showed her real self, always formal, curt, the things I listed." He raised a brow, "she changed that much since middle school?" I shook my head. "No something happened to where she could be her true self, the woman you saw today. I didn't know who she truly was till after she confessed to me." He stared at me with wide eyes, "to this day I still regret turning her down, after she left I found her at that place we met her today. She was singing, dancing, laughing, a completely different woman than that timid girl I was so used to. She was a wild card, blunt, sassy, sarcastic, always keeping people on their toes. Yet so sweet, passionate, empathetic, and kind. She didn't even glance at me, though she knew I was there and one of her friends had asked me to leave saying 'if you can't see her for who she really is or accept it then go, if she didn't show you her real self then it's okay. I'm sure she knows which is the answer and since she's understanding as to why you rejected her then I'm sure it's the latter, but please don't come and accept her because of this. Know her first.' They said and left, they were right, but I couldn't get close to her every time I talked to her this guy pulled her away and she left. Now she's back and I don't know what to do, I never got over her." I grumbled the last part as Tamaki stared with wide eyes, he paused then hummed folding his blonde brows. "Then get to know her, that should be the first step Kyoya." My orbs widened then I chuckled giving him my signature smirk. "There's the evil shadow king, thanks for telling me." I chuckled. "Thank you for listening." He may be an idiot but a damn good friend.

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