Explanations & Memories

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"Well... Do you think we could take this over somewhere else? The Cafeteria may be? I promise, I will answer every single of your questions, kids." Amato spoke with a sheepish smile on his face, as his hand reached over to the back of his neck.

"Okay...." He got a chorus of agreement in return.

"Alright then, meet me in my cabin later Admiral." With that, Maskmana walked away pretty quickly making Amato frown. He thought that atleast he will be there for some emotional support or something....

"Okay so... Let's head to the Cafeteria then..." Amato said and started to lead the way. Within a couple of minutes, everyone we settled on the tables in the cafeteria with a hot sizzling cup of coffee in their hands.

"So first question dad, am I half alien or something?" Boboiboy question as soon as Amato sat in a chair, near to him. 

"Ahh... About that... Yes... You are technically an half-alien. But there isn't much biological difference regular humans and your mom's race. You will pass as a full human you see... Nobody would be able to tell a difference between you and other humans, even with full diagnostics test." Amato spoke awkwardly as he took a sip of his own coffee. 

"I'm glad to hear that." Boboiboy grumbled with a slight relief in his tone.

"Me next!!!! Admiral, how did you become this spiky head's Uncle?!? And why didn't Boboiboy tell us that you are a superhero?!?" Ying shot her questions super-fast before anybody could open their mouth. Fang made some protesting noises at the 'spiky head' part.

"Fang is the son of my wife's elder sister. So the answer to your first question is, I became his Uncle as soon as I tied knots with my wife. And Boboiboy wasn't exactly allowed to, you know, advertise the fact that his father is a superhero who works in space!" Amato answered with a smile. Boboiboy too, smiled sheepishly at Ying.

"Can we meet your wife, Admiral???" Yaya asked this time, totally unaware of the dull look that settled in Amato's eyes as soon she asked her question.

"She..... I.... Uhh...." Amato stammered, struggling to answer.

"She perished when I was four." Boboiboy and Fang answered in unison, coming to Amato's aid. Yaya instantly felt bad hearing their answer.

"I'm so sorry Admiral... I really didn't know."

"It's okay, dear. I just.... drifted into memories. That's all. Don't worry. By the way, you guys can call me Amato or Uncle if you prefer, no need for formalities out of working hours." Amato reassured Yaya with a small smile.

"Can you tell us more about Mom, Dad??? No pressure, tell us only if you are comfortable." Boboiboy hesitantly asked and Amato patted his head lovingly at his hesitance.

"Ofcourse son.... You wanna know how we met?"


"So listen closely then." All the kids' attention were on Amato instantly.

"I was around... 18 I believe, when I joined Tapops. Ava was 18 too... I was assigned as a Cadet at Laskar in the beginning. I still remember the day very clearly. It was my first day. I was getting introduced into a new team. Guess who were all there in the team?"

"You and Aunt Ava!!!!" Fang answered immediately with a gleeful voice.

"Two members aren't called as a team Fang! They will be called as a duo or Partners!!! But Uncle clearly said that he was getting introduced in a TEAM!!!" Ying opposed while Fang pouted hearing her. Amato laughed at their antics.

"Well.. You're right Fang. Your aunt was also a part of our team! But she was running late that day. The team consisted of Admiral Tarung, who was Cadet like me back then, Commander KokoCi, a Cadet too, Fang's Mother Eva Arthur, who was a Corporal, and Fang's Father Victor Levis, who was our Captain back then. My wife was a Lance-Corporal."

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