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The Chamber of Secrets

Chapter Two : Egg Shells and Mama

" That is a dragon egg alright ." Remus said as he inspect the egg laid in a cushion

Books about dragons were laid in the table , and tea , snacks as well , adhara already explained how she felt the familiar bond or pull outside the shop and how she can communicate with Arcturus in her mind and how Blaise was burned because he touched the shell

" It can communicate with you on your mind ." He then again questions

" Yes he can and his name is Arcturus ." Adhara said while caressing the shell , feeling his mistress touch it glowed , making the rest in awe at the sight

Regulus smile at his daughter's words , she named her familiar after him

" You name him after me flower ."

" Of course I did papa and he likes it , don't you little one " in cue the egg glowed , regulus chuckled

"Addy , it say right here ,the egg can crack any time , but with familiar bonds it can be different ." Tom looked up from the book he was reading about the egg

" Different?, How so Tommy ?."

" Well for familiar bonds , the master or your case mistress , shall drop an amount of blood at the egg's shell but not to worry the egg shall absorb it and You must release your magic and transfer it to him , ensuring a rather parental contract between the two of you , which means your technically his mother ."

The word mother seem to have captured their attention , they all frozed in the idea of adhara cutting herself

" Awhhh....your a momma now Addy a momma ." Blaise teased the girl while hugging her tight , breaking the rather tense air around them  , she grumbled in his arms , while the rest just laughs is off , they both pulled away and earning Blaise a slap on his shoulder by adhara

Soo I'll be your momma little one

Yes you well Addy , I forgot about that part I'm sorry again

No need to apologise darling

Now do you wanna get out ?

Yes please I wanna hug you momma , can I call you that Addy ?

Awh baby I can't wait to see you too and yes you may

" Okey I'll do the ritual , his excited ." Adhara giggled at the last part 

" Wait a minute , didn't Merlin have a dragon ?." Draco question , they frozed how some they didn't see it

" Your right Draco ,maybe that's why you flower is the only one who can understand him wether it's telepathic or not and how your not burned like Blaise did ,  Merlin has a gift called Dragons Tongue which is similar to parseltongue instead of snake's he can can talk to dragons , All of his bloodline can talk to dragons but none of them ever sired nor have a familiar like you flower ."  Her Father explained , it all make sense now , regulus was worried , yes they can heal her but he doesn't like the fact of his daughter cutting herself

" That makes it even more cuter well minus the cutting part but  your a mommy now Addy ." Blaise then again engulfed the girl in a hug , regulus chuckled at his actions

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