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Dark cores were frowned upon the wizarding world as to those who have this or bear it went crazy and gone into the wrong path , but it is believed that the last ever being to ever have a dark core was Salazar Slytherin himself and after his demise the core was forgotten , cease to exist but that cycle change

Regulus Black paced around the corridor , hearing his beloved wife struggle her cries as she was giving birth to Their daughter , he was kicked out the room as the matrons believe that the child must see the baby first , he prayed that all we'll be well at the end , he stood up and paced and stopped when he heard his daughters cry , he teared up , she was here , regulus always wanted to have children especially a girl whom he well cherish and love with all his being

Regulus sat next to his beloved wife as she cooed at Their newborn daughter , he was admiring the both of them , his wife notice his stare and smiled weakly

" Why don't you hold her my love she has been waiting for you ." Claire his wife uttered weakly , regulus nodded , he was panicking

What if I dropped her ?

He held his daughter in his arms and by god's she was beautiful , she has his hair , has her mother's nose , she was pale like him , he was tearing up

" Darling she is beautiful " he smiled at his wife as she leans into his shoulders and nodded

She was magnificent , regulus can't help but admire his daughter , he was happy , euphoric even , his daughter stirred into his arms and as her eyelid started to open

Regulus breath stopped , her eyes , he looked at his wife shocked , she was flabbergasted as well , he look back again

Her eyes were even more beautiful , on her right eyes was the famous gray-blue eyes of the Black's , and to her left was the famous yellow gold eyes of the emery's , they both can feel the power that radiated from thier daughter ,but they didn't mind no matter how powerful or not she's still Thier daughter whom they'll love and cherish

" My darling girl we will love and protect you forever and always "
." Regulus kissed his daughter's forehead and smiled at his wife

On the other side , rumours where circulating that the Black's heir was born , some rejoice some didn't , in particular was the man all adored for he has defeated one of the most darkest Wizard of all time was in distressed he have heard about the Black's heir birth , contemplating on who was the child of the prophecy , Three heir's were born today , The Longbottom's , The Potter's and lastly the Black's , this we'll surely damage his plans

Footsteps began to approach him by the window

" What message do you bring Severus ?." He asked the man in black , he was a spy for his cause , he tasked the man to take entail on the heir's

" The three where born on the same day but not on the same hour , Both boy's core are light and as for black her core is different ." Severus paused for a second contemplating on whether he should tell the man or not , this was his goddaughter safety there talking about , he must do all it takes to protect her form this very man who stand before him

" Different , why different Severus ?." Dumbledore asked the man , facing him

" It's neutral , I've seen the documents by my self it neutral " he uttered , the man hummed in return

Dumbledore faced the window again

The two boys shall Be a great asset I just have to pick one and be done with it , but with the girl , she damaged my plans , then again she's neutral and the Black's wealth maybe I'll give her a chance , and a little compulsion we'll do

Severus eyed the man and walk out of the room , throughout the his years the man he once look up too became cruel and controlling , he changed , so he did what was correct and turned to someone who was more willing to help him , he reported to the dark lord about dumbledore's plan and to which he well gladly spy on the old man for his goddaughter sake

" You say the Black's heir core is dark ." His lord questioned , he nodded

" Yes my lord her core is dark , regulus and Claire also know about this and asked me to tell dumbledore that's she's neutral to which I did , and he certainly believe it my lord ." It was true the dark side knew about dumbledore's plan ever since his reign or when he defeated Grindelwald , Severus acted as a spy for dumbledore but in reality he was not , he tell every single thing that man plans to his lord and create a plan to put a stop on it , to which they did , and now this

" I we'll visit the Black's today and you Severus well be at the Longbottom's tell them to hide , as for the potters I already sent wormtail , that is all you may be excused ." His lord uttered , Severus bowed and left the room

The Black's were not surprised to see Their lord at Thier house , they both bowed

" My lord it's great to see you ." Regulus greeted , he was the dark lords right hand man , the most trusted too , his wife came down with his daughter held by her shoulders , she was giggling at her mother

" My lord , this is our daughter Adhara Belladonna Black-Emry's ." Regulus proudly introduce his daughter to his lord

The dark lord gazed at the infant infront of him, he can feel her magic it was powerful soo powerful , she was a spitting image of his two most loyal Death Eaters , but her eyes where magnificent , The dark lord felt a pull he doesn't know where it came , the infant stare at his eyes and giggled her small hands signalling she want him to carry her , The dark lord looked at the couple , regulus smiled and nodded , He grabbed the infant and she began to giggle loudly , her small hands were both in his cheeks , slapping it slowly , the dark lord felt something , just something

" It seems she has taken a liking towards you my lord ." Claire happily said ,making the dark lord hum in response

" She quite interesting I must say , Severus well inform you the plan in time , I must take my leave ." The dark lord handed the infant back to her mother making her cry in result , he got out of the house and clutch his heart it was burning and he don't know why , he well find out either ....

A war was stirring near , they must prepare .......



Adhara Belladonna Black is an OC of mine and I hope you enjoy this book and thank you for reading it , stay safe and advance Merry Christmas ❤️

As I've said Tom's age we'll be lowered its like he'll be reborn , I know cause it we'll be weird if he'll revert to his 23 age days but in reality his age is like 76 or soo , that's why he'll be reborn something like that , this may seem like a spoiler but it's not 😅 take care everybody

And yes Regulus is alive in my story for plot reasons and I know he betrayed the dark lord but that well change into something I have in mind

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