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The Chamber of Secrets

Chapter Three : Greenhouse's and Blondes

" Write to me my flower , and I love you , always ." Regulus hugged his daughter , while Tom on the other hand was being smothered by kisses and head pats at his dad , Sirius , while Remus just shook his head in amusement

They bid there goodbye's and entered the train , Adhara clutched Tom's hand , while Arcturus sat at her shoulder peacefully sleeping , she was able to bring him along with the approval of the ministry of course , for they know about the Emery's bond with Dragons , some may have been against the idea ,like that pink toad , but all in all it was smooth sailing

As they walked towards thier own compartment , whispers were circling around , you know same old news

They finally found their friends , Tom opened the door while Adhara entered getting attacked by Blaise and his hugs ,Tom chuckled at the sight , for it warmed his heart

" Oh my Addy , what have you been eating woman ." Blaise gushed as he hit her shoulder careful to not hit the little dragon on her shoulder , which jump from her shoulder to Tom's and rubbed his head against Tom's cheek

" Yeah Addy , and how is your bigger that mine woman ." Daphne grabbed both her shoulders and eyed her...umm...boob section , which made her go red

" Daph I love you but can we not compare size's ." Adhara eyed her bestfriend who sweatdropped at her actions , She sat down next to her while as usual chatted about everything while adhara just listen's

" Hey , we have a new defense against the dark arts teacher , that blond guy from diagon ally ." Theo casually said as he turned to the next page which coincidentally the book he was reading was from the said man

" Gilderoy Lockhart oh please that fraud , are they mental ? ." Daphne grumbled beside adhara , who opened a chocolate for her to eat , Adhara gathered throughout their friendship is that chocolate calms Daphne down but is just worried that she'd gain weight but adhara always tells her that she's beautiful no matter her size that she should love herself , which made her even more confident on herself

" True , they have a perfectly good and Well versed , with experience teacher who's willing to take the spot and been waiting , trying for years but instead they pick a fraud who only how to bark ." Adhara calmly said as she opened more chocolate and out them in a plate for Daphne to eat and likely the of them , they all agreed to her words for it was the truth

Arcturus fly towards her and rest on his spot , Tom chuckled at the dragons actions ,it was adorable

My mama is soo smart

Adhara chuckled at his words and pet his head

Why thank you little one

They continued there chatting throughout the journey and waited for Thier new journey to start..

As they arrived at Hogwarts , they were bombarded with whispers as usual , but all was well for now atleast , they eat their dinner and got back to their common room , announced a meeting to occur this coming weeks and wished everybody goodluck , for the journey has begun and it well not come easy as pie ,but they well manage for they Slytherin , they will fought as ONE and will WIN AS ONE ...

In the morning they as usual ate their breakfast and it has shocked the students to see arcturus being feed by adhara for they have heard about her and her new companion some even didn't believe it was truth , got their timetables and went to class , just like last year they all have the same timetables and as usual Tom carrying all of Adhara's things while clutching her hand , she thinks it's sweet , she looked up to him due to thier height difference and smiled

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