Chap 6

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Long time no see, hehehe.



"By any chance, do you have thalassophobia?" asked Beam with a sweet smile. That seems like he is simply curious, not as if he is suspecting something and questioning him.

Forth looks at Beam, surprised by the sudden question about his phobia. None of his friends knows about Forth's phobia or escapade during the secret therapy sessions except Inn.

"That's....hmm....," Forth was too stunned to answer the question or divert it to another topic.

Beam smirks as he notices Forth uneasy gesture.

"It's okay if you don't want to say anything. I understand.

Khun Forth, May I ask you another question?" asked Beam again with his signature smile.

"Yes...?" replied Forth doubtfully. Who knows what this beautiful guy in front of him asks again.

"Khun Forth, will you go on a date with me?"

"Huh?!" Forth said in shock as Beam dropped a shocking bomb at him.

"I think you need time. I'll wait for you by the entrance gate in the evening the day after tomorrow. Meet me at the entrance if you're up for it," stated Beam calmly as he smiled sweety at Forth before he walked back into the examing room prepared for them.

When Forth was still too dumbfounded to answer or say anything, Beam left him with 'See you, Khun Forth.'

"Oii Forth, we have to monitor the repairing work at the school here. Why are you standing here like a statue?" asked Inn as he pushed Forth a bit to get his sense back.

"Ai'Inn, pinch me," ordered Forth as he looked at Inn seriously.

"Huh, what happened to you, Forth?" questioned Inn, worried by their gang leader's weird behaviour.

"Do it already..." rushed Forth while Inn was still confused.

"Ai'Inn, why are you thinking so much. It's just a pinch," stated Run, who just got there.

He pinched Forth's arm hard as he didn't wait for any of their responses.

"Owh, shit. That hurts," cursed Forth as he smiled happily.

'Did Beam just ask me out on a date?' thought Forth as he laughed happily.

It is not the fragment of flashes he usually saw in his dream. In his dreams, he was the one who usually courted Beam, not the other way around.

"Ai'Inn, I think you're right. Our leader has gone mad. He is happily smiling after I pinched him. Normally in this situation, my arms should be at his mercy, na," added Run, worried as well.

"Let's go, guys. I have a significant appointment to attend in two days, and I want to finish this repairing work before that," Forth said as he dragged his stupefied friends towards the rebuilding site.

The stupified friends followed Forth even if he behaved weirdly without another choice.


"Where did you go after checking up the island people? I was looking for you?" bombarded Leo as soon as he spotted Beam by the door of their room.

"I was booking a date with Forth," replied Beam casually as he took his meds.

The medicine was prescribed to him by the doctors in the island hospital. Basically, he still is a patient, and he needs rest.

"You did what?!" asked Leo, startled.

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