Chap 14

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Dear cupcakes,

Sorry for the delay in the update. I had a hard time finalizing the time chapter. I deleted around 3k words and re-wrote this chapter.

I wanted the story to progress towards the climax without drag, and it consumed more time than I expected.

I'll try to update another chapter before next week. For now, read this update and give me comments about what you guys think about it.

Here we go.


"For God's sake, Leo! Let me meet him. All I want is to see him alright in front of my eyes. Why can't I visit him? Why is he not even replying to my texts?" asked Forth, agitated.

"Forth, Beam is doing fine. He is not letting anybody into his room. Even his family hasn't seen or talked to him in the past week.

Trust me, Meng, I want to talk to him too," Leo replied, worried.

"Is he even getting better? Please, tell me he is fine," begged Forth, concerned.

"All I can say is he no longer has a fever. But, he has locked himself with his laptop and does not let anybody into his room. I'll let you know if I got anything new to update. Don't worry, Forth. His family will take care of him well," concluded Leo as he hung up the call.

Nobody could blame him as he was worried sick about his boyfriend. Since that day when Beam went missing in the hospital, Forth didn't get to meet or talk to him.

Forth was upset for several reasons,

First - he doesn't know what happened to his lover

Second - his grandpa and mom are forcing him to meet their old family friends upon his return home for the semester break


Third- To add to his anxiousness, his dreams about Beam stopped.

All the dreams or nightmares related to Beam have stopped. He could no longer see Beam's teasing smile or his cheerful self in his dreams which made him feel hollow inside.

In this case, he is even willing to have those scary nightmares about the sea where he could finally see him.

With a troubled mind and a heavy heart, Forth walked out of his room to get his lunch.

"Look who is finally showing his face?" Forth heard a mocking voice from the kitchen. Hence he walked toward the open kitchen.

"Grandpops, I'm hungry," he whined as soon as he saw the elder by the stove.

"Drink this," replied the elder as he placed a cup of warm milk in front of him.

"Grandpops, I'm hungry. This milk won't suffice my hunger," he whined more as he stamped his feet in dissatisfaction.

"Drink that first. You didn't eat anything since you reached here yesterday. Feeding you a feast now will only cause more damage to your stomach than any good," lectured the retired Doctor.

"Fine, Dr Phana. Please spare me from more lecturers, please," teased Forth as he smiled at the sulking elder.

His grandfather returned to make their lunch as he ignored his naughty grandson.

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