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The light seeped through the window sills and Taehyung twisted in his bed.It was still early and he turned to press his face into the duvet to continue his slumber but then the door to his chamber opened.
"Your royal highness,You must make haste",The maid who entered said bowing ,proceeding to pull the curtains aside letting more sun into the room.Taehyung groaned,"It's too early Miss Byul"
"It is but the crown prince of Andeoara is already on the grounds,The King is not pleased.You must wake up at once",Byul came to stand by his bed and there was  concern laced into her voice. Taehyung sat upright,his shirt falling off his shoulder and he made no attempt to fix it.
"Why the hell is Prince on the grounds,already!!",He said as his maid got his coat for the day.
"That's how princes are,Now..get up.He is parsing with your cousin",Yoongi said as he entered Taehyung's room and directed at the maid,"He would wear his practice clothes,a simple dress shirt under would do "
"What?! I'm not going into the grounds", Taehyung was outraged as he jumped off the bed and ruffled his hair.
"You can whine all you want but your father is in the grounds with them and he is expecting you there",Yoongi fixed his collars and saw a panic cross Taehyung's eyes as he grabbed the shirt off the maid's hands.
"Also call me 'Ser' instead of 'hyung' infront of the king and new company"
"You have to address me as 'your royal highness' then ", Taehyung chuckled.

By the time Taehyung had properly buttoned up his shirt and ran down to the practice yard,the crowd was at their edge.Jimin and Jungkook were drowning in sweat and dirt,swords raised and ringing.Most of the crowd were young boys of Lords and generals who practiced early and master-of-arms were shouting over them to demand silence.

"Brother!! You're late...Come see,Prince Jimin is amazing",Princess Hayeon cooed as soon as Taehyung came to stand by her,her hands encircling his arms.
"Cousin Jungkook is struggling",She said and Taehyung wanted to scoff but then he noticed his father's absence.
"Where's father?",His voice muffled by the clinks of Jimin and Jungkook's swords.
"Oh,He didn't stay too long",Hayeon said and broke out into applause with the crowd and Taehyung looked up to see Jimin had pinned Jungkook against the ground ,blade pointed to his chest.Jimin slid his sword back before extending a hand to Jungkook who immediately took it and sprang to his feet.Jungkook had the most widest smile when he removed helmet and he was laughing loudly,"That was wonderful"

Taehyung had never seen Jungkook this happy after getting defeated,which was a rare event in itself.
"Cousin!!",Jungkook shouted across the yard and Taehyung huffed before smiling back at him.
"Your highness,You must return to your quarters.Septa must be waiting for your needlework",Hayeon's maid reminded her from behind but her attention was reserved only for the Andeoarian prince.Taehyung watched along to see  Jimin making an animated conversation with Jungkook.Jimin's dark hair freed itself off the sweat and danced in the morning breeze.He ran a gloved hand through them and laughed and Taehyung wanted to know what was so funny to make such sweet harmonies emanate off Jimin's chest.He would ask his cousin later.

"Our cousin looks too happy for someone who had just tasted defeat", Taehyung shook his head in amusement.
"Brother Taehyung,You must have seen his sword dance.Anyone would have been happy getting defeated by such proficiency.Our cousin was just as amazed as we all are", Hayeon's eyes were wide as she described and Taehyung was almost sure his sister was already head over heels for the prince,if not already hoping he'd propose.Princess' maid reminded her of the schedule once again.
"Oh,please...Brother dearest,I must go now but please I want to know everything about the Prince.Do make acquaintance close and let me know"
"Ofcourse, he'd.They will be spending everyday together.He is the official host to the Prince",Jungkook had finally reached his cousins,rubbing sweat off his brows and Taehyung wanted to jab his guts.

"That's excellent, I'd meet you in the evening",Hayeon said excitedly and walked down the yard to say her goodbyes to Jimin.
"She's absolutely smitten", Taehyung had to say but when his eyes landed back onto Jungkook,he sure was reminded of a golden retriever in human form.
"Seems like you're the same too"
"Cousin,you should have seen him throwing me to the ground"

Taehyung let out a laugh,that his father would think undignified.
"The technique,the swiftness,light on feet",Jungkook ranted on,"I have asked him to teach me.Maybe he'd teach you too"
Taehyung had a comment to make but then Jimin was near them after sending off his sister.The crowd was already clearing out.
"Are you here to train,Your royal highness?",Jimin asked as he bowed, handing his helmet and sword over to his chaperon.
"No,He never trains if he could help.He is against violence and bloodshed",Jungkook supplied and Taehyung wanted to throw his cousin against the ground again,guess one too many times were not enough yet.

"Cousin,you reek of sweat.Maybe a bath would help my sensitive nose", Taehyung tilted his head and Jungkook looked embarassed,"Excuse me,Your royal highness.I'll meet you at breakfast",Jungkook bowed at Jimin and took his flight.

Taehyung wasn't ready for the silence that fell in between them.The yard was nearly empty now and Jimin turned to look at his gaurd,"Ser Jung.It would be a shame that we are in Elindross and doesn't explore the lakes and sea.Do not worry about me, I am in good company",Jimin said,sending a glance to Taehyung and Taehyung was flustered for a moment,"Of.. ofcourse Your royal highness,I am more than honoured to show you around..Hyu-Ser Min Yoongi,Please do me the favour of arranging a guide for Ser Jung and Prince Jimin's company"
"Your royal highness-",Yoongi began.
"I'll be fine,Do not fret", Taehyung commanded and he watched the rest of the company leave him.

"Your royal highness,Let me show you back to the chamber baths", Taehyung said,his voice now a deep baritone and Jimin nodded,"And if you please,Call me Jimin.Your sister tells me we are the same age"

"Oh,then help me return the favour and call me Taehyung as well"
They smiled at each other ,a quick lock of eyes and then they started climbing back up the steep corridor that led out of the castle grounds.The silence was growing in between them and a group of maids send fluttering eyes towards Jimin and bowed at Taehyung as they passed.
"You've gotten half the country smitten already for you,Prince Jimin"
"Oh please, Taehyung",Jimin began and Taehyung felt his heart race at the way his name fell out of the elder's mouth,"You flatter me"
"No, Jimin.My sister and cousin would vouch for that.Jungkook,in particular loved that you had him pinned against the ground.I could only imagine-", Taehyung bit his tongue in hurry and Jimin only laughed,his cheeks coloring red.

"You wouldn't have to imagine.If you could train with me tomorrow,I can have you pinned against the yard too",Jimin said as he came to a halt and turned against Taehyung and Taehyung felt his heart clenching inside his chest,his eyes travelled everywhere but at Jimin's.
"If am to do anything here,would the servants see?",Jimin asked,out of the blue, and suddenly Taehyung looked around nervously.Jimin stepped forward and Taehyung gulped,"Would anyone see, Taehyung?",He whispered low.
"Um..no.We...we are inside royal private chambers.Noone but the chaperons will be here", Taehyung stuttered through,his  chest tightening at what Jimin was hoping to do.
"Oh,thank the lords.I was sweating so much and thought I'd die from heat",Jimin said as he stepped back and started unbuttoning his shirt and freeing his laces.Taehyung tried to remember how he used to breath as Jimin got rid of his shirt completely,every inch of skin dripped with sweat and running down his chest.He tried to move his eyes away from Jimin's bare pale skin and the single silver thread of a long pendant down his chest swinging between his nipples.And Taehyung was suddenly considering going to training tomorrow morning despite hating to wake up early  and hoped to get pinned against ground or anything as hard by Jimin.

With or without swords involved.

A/n: An early update,TADA!!!

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