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hi,it's your author again.i just remembered something i wanted to tell you all.

the color brown/beige influenced me a lot to even start writing this fic.i think the color brown equates to something warm,comfort like,fuzzy and i dont know,home!!

and despite the brown being used to define Jimin's eyes in the stories and being Taehyung's comfort from the start,it was Taehyung who was more brown.In some level, Taehyung is also Jimin's brown.

I don't know if I make sense to you guys cause i tend to word vomit when too much thoughts run in my head.

Ill try one more time we moved with Taehyung's side of the story but when Jimin looked at Taehyung coming through the crowd,people stepping away to make way for him,what Jimin saw was also Brown,maybe just not the same like his own eyes.

A/n:I'll shut up,sorry for confusing you guys more

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