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A/n:umm...New year gift?


The herald at the front entrance called into the room,"Make way.The crown prince is coming" and everyone scattered to the sides immediately as Taehyung hurried through the halls towards the stairs.He hopped up three steps at a time and turned to the east like he had done a million times before.A million times!! When he came to halt infront of the Andeoarian crown prince's door,his heart was beating too fast.Too fast.A thousand beats per minute.Taehyung tried to compose himself before seeing his other half because worrying Jimin over him right now wasn't an option at all.Jimin would never have to spend another tear or worry even a second could not be allowed.Ser Jung opened the doors for him and Taehyung stepped past the threashold.

"Jimin!",He called and Jimin looked towards confused,there were maids helping with the fitting for his wedding tomorrow.He turned around,"Taehyung"

There was a moment where the world felt like it froze and Taehyung remembered the whispered words on Jimin's skin,he was the purpose all along.Jimin was the purpose.He looked so ethereal in the pastel blue suit,his eyes shone fiercely against the light.Oh.. the pure beautiful brown he had fallen for.Taehyung took faster steps towards the crown prince causing the maids to step back in hurry.He cupped Jimin's face in his hands,thumbs coming up to slide softly under his favourite beige.

"Forgive me", Taehyung whispered before leaning in,kissing Jimin's soft lips without hesitation and the latter's eyes widened as his hands tried to find grip against Taehyung's shirt.The maids gasped,averting their eyes off to the floor and shocked at the scene infront of them.Taehyung drew back,pressed their foreheads together,"Would you let me keep all the promises?"
"What are you going to do,Dove?I am scared", Jimin's hand slid to the sides,pressing them against his biceps.
"Just tell me,Dear.Would you let me?"
"I would,there should not even be a question at all"

"I love you"
"I could not love you more than I do now",Jimin said and Taehyung laughed,pecking his lips one more and time.Taehyung hesitated,not wanting to leave Jimin just yet but he had a lot to do.

"I will come for you again,and when I do..I want that ring on my finger,Your royal highness", Taehyung said before stepping out of the door.Jimin could only turn red furiously,running after but the elindross prince was gone before he reached the door.

Taehyung took left towards the quarters of the princess.His head was in a rush as he came to stop infront of his sister's chambers and Ser Kim bowed immediately.

"Announce my arrival and open the doors"

"Your royal highness,Princess Hayeon had commanded to not grant entrance to the crown prince"
Taehyung looked at Ser Kim,his brows furrowed,"Ser Kim Seokjin,You have been serving the crown for 6 years.Do tell me have you forgotten the order of ranks in the royal family now that you think the princess is above the crown prince of the kingdom? Or would you like me to help you trace your steps back to your training?"

Ser Kim immediately bowed low,legs buckling to kneel infront of the crown prince,"Forgive me,Your royal highness.Spare me"
"On your feet and let my sister know that I am visiting"

Seokjin immediately got up and bowed once again before pushing the doors open to Hayeon's chambers,"His royal highness,Prince Kim Taehyung is here to see you, Princess" and stepped back.
"What is this!!",Hayeon stood up,pushing the silks, she had been pulling threads off, off from her lap towards the bed.

"Hayeon,I came here for two things and this time,you shall listen to me"
"I do not want to ,Leave my chambers!"
"You are forgetting that I am not just your brother,Sister", Taehyung's words were firm and he surprised himself along.Never had Taehyung raised his voice against his sister,against anyone for that matter.He had complied to every needs of the crown and his sister alike but today it hit him.The alleys of Elindross had talked about the prospect of Namjoon,the adopted son, becoming the future king but not his own blood.The weight of the crown needs to be carried,and not just by abiding it's rules but also complying to morality and justice no matter who stood at the other end.

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