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The Elindross Prince very much liked to coop up in his chambers and spend the rest of the week there but he had to hold on till his father's return to hand him his affairs back.Namjoon was helping a great lot but there were things that needed Taehyung's word and Namjoon could do nothing but come look for Taehyung and for such umpteenth visit Namjoon swiped through his bundle of parchments,"The eastern fields are facing water scarcity.Summer wouldn't be kind to them"
"I think it's better to turn reservoir for storage completely and no outakes"
"And for now?"
And Taehyung's head came up with nothing,he stared and stared.Namjoon reached over and placed his hand on  Taehyung's ,"We can put this out for discussion in court,Royal court might have suggestions"
Namjoon closed ,tied a knot around the finished business and sighed,"Taehyung,I'd very much suggest you to go for a walk,maybe you could go down to the market or go to the study and paint something "
Taehyung pressed his eyes close and remembered the unfinished portrait he had started few days ago and he hadn't seen his subject of art since the day in stables.Not that Jimin hadn't dropped by his chambers,it was that he was heartbroken and busy at the same time.
"I will,hyung", Taehyung sighed and Namjoon nodded before getting off his seat.And Taehyung decided he should go and find Jimin,he'd be devoid of duties for some time when his father would be finally arriving back into the country soon.And then he could invite Jimin to finish his portrait.

Just then the herald announced the arrival of his sister,Princess Hayeon.Her gaurd on her tow.
"Ser Kim!!", Taehyung addressed the gaurd,"You're finally back,I presume your mother is back in good health"
Seokjin bowed low and took a step forward,"Yes,your royal highness.By the lord's grace she recovered sooner than anticipated"
"Thank the saviours of Elindross.I am delighted to see you back in the castle,My sister was in absolute choas without you", Taehyung chuckled earning a groan from Hayeon.
"I have been at my best behaviour and I didn't fall to my clumsiness either.Retract your comment,dear brother"
Taehyung laughed at his sister's pout.
"But I hear that Your royal highness has fallen for a certain prince from Andeoara",Seokjin hada teasing smile and Taehyung painted a red on his cheeks,"That's not true"
It took him a moment for him to realize the comment wasn't directed at him,but at his sister and Hayeon raised an eyebrow in question at Taehyung's words.
"I..I mean, it'd take more than a few weeks to fall for someone at the least,Prince Jimin had been here only for two weeks now"

"Forgive me,Your royal highness.My mother fell in love with my father after just three days of acquaintance,they ended up tying  knots few days after and had been the strongest marriage I had ever come across and my father says if he had to do it all over again,he'd still wed her",Seokjin beamed as he explained.
"Oh,how sweet..Isn't it,Brother ? I want something like that with Prince Jimin.I am absolutely charmed by him like your mother,Ser Kim",Hayeon was spilling sugar and honey and both Seokjin and Hayeon missed the lights leaving Taehyung's eyes.

"Oh brother,I came to invite you to the sea today.I wanted to do something to lighten up your spirits,also Prince Jimin was fretting on how you couldn't join us the last time so don't oppose and join us",Hayeon said as she extended her hand to hold Taehyung's and Taehyung sighed a 'yes' eventually.


"Hyung,I was wondering why my cousin would invite me out to the shore in name of lifting your spirits, something she never cared before ,now I know why", Jungkook said kicking sand and Taehyung,who had his eyes casted to the sea for God knows how long hummed back in question.
"So you won't be alone as the Princess and Prince spend time together",Jungkook kicked more sand and Taehyung waved his hand infront of his face to get rid of the dust that Jungkook had send around him.Taehyung didn't reply,instead he kept his eyes far onto his sister and Jimin close to the sea,laughing over how the waves were drenching Hayeon's robes.Hayeon was staggering under the loss of sand everytime waves receeded and held onto Jimin's hands.

"Oh,please..Gaurds,help me get to the castle.I am drenched and will be tasting salt at this rate",Hayeon laughed as Jimin helped her back up the shore.
"Let me", Taehyung extended his hand towards his sister and Jimin flinched half way his own hand extending towards and back.It was quick and swift and Taehyung almost thought he had imagined the action.Imagined the eye contact they shared in between too.

"Please brother,Stay and Enjoy.I don't want to cut short of the Prince's or your likes.I'll leave with cousin Jungkook and the gaurds",Hayeon said and called for her maids.Taehyung only hummed again and saw Jimin pressing a kiss onto his sister's hands before she took her leave.Then it was just him ,Jimin and Jimin's gaurd alone on the shore.

"Ser Jung,You may leave us too",Jimin said bringing Taehyung's attention back to them from the disappearing figures of his sister and company.
"But Your royal highness,how will you return?",Hoseok looked between the only two horses and resolved quickly,"I'll walk",he bowed.
"No..wait,We'll walk..It isn't too far,right ,Prince Taehyung?"
"Walk all the way upto the castle?", Taehyung raised his eyebrows and Jimin smiled widely,"Alright,Ser Jung.You can leave one horse with us,Seems like Prince Taehyung has a soft feet"
"I do not", Taehyung involuntarily let out and Hoseok bowed before mounting the horse and leaving one for the two princes.


Jimin held the horse's reins tight in between his fingers and walked down the shore and Taehyung followed from behind,watching Jimin's unruly hair dancing at the back of his neck.Taehyung had half a mind to reach over and twist his fingers between them.The thought was cut short when Jimin turned and waited for Taehyung to join him.
"Are you alright now? I didn't want to interrupt you while mourning",Jimin said and Taehyung returned a tight lipped smile,"I am alright now.Thankyou for the concern,Prince Jimin"
"Do not thank me, Taehyung.I couldn't help but worry..You are of  the greatest importance to me",Jimin extended his hand and without warning took Taehyung's hand into his.Taehyung stopped in his tracks and Jimin,with that sweet sweet smile of his,pressed and dragged him forward to keep walking.And the hand left Taehyung's, Taehyung felt the emptiness a little too much.Taehyung swiped his thumb on the inside of his palm,trying to savour Jimin's touch.

"Me and my sister used to sulk over at our maids for not taking us to the shore",Jimin began non-chalantly,"We were unaware that the sea was little too far away for a weekend down the road.We only saw mountains,hills and rivers.I wished a little too much to see where the rivers ended.It turns out that... it was at your side of the world"

"My side of the world-", Taehyung repeated in a haze.
"Maybe I was oblivious that the south had much more to offer than the view of rivers joining the sea.I would have come earlier, Taehyung",Jimin sighed.
"I was oblivious myself where the rivers began,Jimin", Taehyung stated foolishly,not even knowing what those words meant in this conversation.Jimin only hummed back and spoke again,"I want to watch the sunset.I know how it looks when it rises from our mounts,I want to see where it sleeps..in your seas"

Taehyung was overwhelmed,he didn't know why.He wanted to show Jimin all the sunsets for the rest of his life if he could.Then Jimin was saying over his unsettling thoughts ,"Oh Lords,it is going to rain"
Taehyung send his glance to the darkening sky,shy of pouring.The first drop touched Taehyung's nose at the same moment as Jimin's hands grabbed his wrist.
"We must make haste and find a shelter"

A/n: Thoughts please

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