Epilogue. Death of the Undying

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For the first time in a long time, their communicators start humming. A familiar voice comes through.

Unknown voice (comm): RAXYAS! BAZREN! XAYN! ARE ANY OF YOU THERE?!

Bazren: Master Qu...!

Qu (comm): Listen to me. Tentoria... She's dead, is she not?

Silence ensued.

Qu (comm): IS SHE NOT?

Xayn: She is... And so is Raxyas.

Qu pauses for a second, before replying.

Qu (comm): Listen, Bazren. Xayn. The death of all those watchers, combined with the sacrifice of their creator, Tentoria, has brought Mortmundus to ruin. Tentoria and the watchers were its lifeforce. Without them, this world will crumble into absolute nothingness. As for the souls here, and for those in the void... I can only hope that they can still be saved. It is on that hope that these next words ride... So listen closely. 

Bazren and Xayn focus on Qu's words...

Qu (comm): We may be stuck here, but you two are not. Beyond that portal, in the world of the living, lies the only remaining chance of salvation. I have put together all the information in the boxes, and it all points towards the same thing: white magic. If there is anything that can save us, that is it. I'm sorry that I can't be of more use to you...

Xayn: White magic... Raxyas mentioned that before passing...

Bazren: He mentioned the Eluvian ocean...

Qu (comm): The Eluvian ocean... Yes... Yes! That could work. If it is anywhere, it has to be there...!

The portal phasing in and out of Mortmundus.

Bazren: The portal! It seems like it will close soon...

Qu (comm): Make your way to the depths of that ocean, you two! Seek whatever knowledge has been left there from times of old. I have faith that, one day, we will meet again... Do you hear me? Do not lose hope! Do not give up! We are counting on you, all of us. Rewrite the laws of this universe, and set all cursed souls free... Please. Good luck, Bazren... Good luck, Xayn...

Bazren: Goodbye, master...

Communications cease. Bazren looks over at Xayn, who was kneeling on both knees next to what remained of Raxyas' vessel.

Xayn: Selfish bastard... Hadn't changed a thing, after all this time...

Bazren: We need to go, Xayn. We cannot let his sacrifice go to waste... We have to keep going, for him. For Mortmundus. We aren't done yet!

Bazren helps Xayn stand up from the ground. 

Bazren: Come on, you guys.

Jangu: No... We're... We're not going.

Val'ens: We can't go. Not after all we've done.

Jangu: We don't deserve to return. But you two...

Jangu smiles.

Jangu: You've done so much. I know it's selfish of us to ask more.

He places his hands on both of their chests.

Linvaes: But please... Save us. One day...!

Jangu pushes them to the other side, as he and Val'ens stay behind. As the portal closes, the last thing the two redeemers see is their smile. On the other side, a verdant meadow greeted them. A soft, fresh breeze could be felt, as blades of grass waved back and forth. The sky was vibrant blue, and the sun was high in the sky. They had finally made it back to the world of the living.

 They had finally made it back to the world of the living

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Bazren: This... I remember this. We're finally, finally here...

The chirping of birds could be heard. Bazren climbs a nearby hill, overlooking a small town in the distance. Soon, Xayn joins her. 

Xayn: He should be here... With us. If it weren't for him... 

Bazren: Wishing that reality were different will do us no good... We've got to change it with our own hands. Chin up, Xayn.

Xayn looks at her. He just couldn't understand.

Xayn: How can you be like that at a time like this...? Bazren, do you realize all that was just lost?

She looks at him. Her gaze pierced him with a fiery determination.

Bazren: That's where you're wrong! We haven't lost anything yet.  As long as there is still a chance to save them... Then we haven't lost yet. We have nothing to cry for. Nothing to regret. Only a mission to fulfill...

Xayn takes a deep breath...

Xayn: A mission to fulfill... Even if it's next to impossible...

Bazren: We were sent to the world of the dead, a world from which no soul ever returns, and managed to make our way back here. You really want to talk about what's impossible?

Xayn's frown slowly turns into a confident smile.

Xayn: Heh... What am I even supposed to say to that... Alright. Fine! I guess there's no helping it then. I'll find him. Wherever he is...

Bazren smiled, before stepping in to correct him.

Bazren: We will find him. And save all of their souls!  We didn't come all this way for nothing.

Xayn: And yet... We have such a long way to go still...

They take the view in one last time...

Xayn: Let's get a move on, Bazren!

Bazren: Right behind you, Xayn.

... And off they go.

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