XI. Origins

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Soon, morning came. They awoke to the sound of knocking outside their door.

 They awoke to the sound of knocking outside their door

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Tentoria: Raxyas? Bazren? It's me, Tentoria. I've come to take you to Linvaes, so that you may receive your next assignment...

Bazren gets up and unlocks the door, letting her in. Then, she quickly closes it behind Tentoria. In her hand, Bazren held two of Qu's communicators, and extends them to Tentoria.

Bazren (in a hushed tone): One of these is for you. We'll talk later... Just make sure you conceal it in your vessel, and channel energy into it when you sense it humming.

Tentoria takes the communicator discretely. Bazren hands another one to Raxyas too, to replace his broken one.

Tentoria: I shall. Please, follow me.

Tentoria takes them through the leftmost corridor, leading to the throne room. There, Linvaes awaited them.

Tentoria: Here they are, Linvaes.

Linvaes: Yes, thank you. You may go now.

Tentoria leaves, looking at them over her shoulder as she does.

Linvaes: Firstly, sorry for having left so abruptly yesterday. It wasn't one of my proudest moments, to be sure...

Raxyas: It's alright, Linvaes. I understand your thought process. Evil may always be evil, we may never know if people can truly change.

Raxyas had given Linvaes' words some thought.

Linvaes: Correct... So, you agree after all?

Raxyas: Not entirely. Just because you were born evil, doesn't mean you must act in accordance with your nature. You can still reject it. 

Linvaes: Hmph. Why would you do so? Why would anyone desire to go against what they cannot change?

Raxyas: Because it is not all that they are. Are we but mindless savages who follow only our base impulses? No. We each have our dark thoughts, we each have our dark desires... That does not mean we must act upon them. In fact, wouldn't it be a display of honor and mental fortitude not to act upon those base impulses? To reject our nature, so we can become not what we were born to be, but instead what we aim to be?

Linvaes was caught off-guard by his take.

Linvaes: I... Suppose I had never thought of it that way. But even so, one cannot ever truly know who has committed to rejecting their dark nature, or who is simply pretending to have done so, only to keep performing immoralities behind your back.

Raxyas: But then how do you know who is evil and who isn't? How can you ever know if it's an act or not?

Linvaes: ... You cannot.

Raxyas: Right... And that is why I cannot fully agree with you. We will always have wolves in sheep's clothing. And we will always have sheep that were raised among wolves.  Why should we punish those who could still change, but then do nothing in regard to the ones who do their best to look the part, whilst concealing the most hideous of deeds? If you're going to punish one group, you should at least punish the other, too. Of course, that would be impossible. At that point, you condemn every single person in existence, because you cannot know who anyone truly is. You may be okay with condemning all criminals, because you assume that even if you are condemning people who could still change,  you condemn so many more who could not that it makes it okay. I don't think it's okay. I don't believe in collective punishment, Linvaes.

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