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09. The Perfect Storm

"It's insane" Hanna complained, as her, Aria, Spencer and Daniella sat in the Hasting's kitchen, studying for their SATs, "I mean, how many words do they expect you to learn in one night?".

"Stringent" Aria read out to Spencer and Daniella.

"Uh, tough" Spencer said.

"Inflexible" Daniella added.

"It's not like you're gonna actually use 'em" Hanna said.

"Meretricious" Aria read.

"I mean, it's not like you go to college and then you just start speaking a completely different language" Hanna said.

"It's about getting into college" Spencer informed.

"Meretricious is phony, flashy" Daniella told her sister.

"Mm-hmm" Aria said, she then looked towards the Marin girl, who was eating cold ravioli, "Oh, Hanna, why are you still eating that?".

"Cause it's here" Hanna defended.

"Put it in the garbage" Spencer ordered.

"Well, then I'd have to stand over the garbage and eat it" Hanna retorted, making Daniella chuckle.

"Next word" Daniella told her sister.

"Besotted" Aria read.

"Infatuated" Daniella said.

"Enamored, in love with" Spencer added.

"Mh-hmm" Aria said, smiling at her sister and friend.

"Hey, what did Noel say to you after the memorial?" Hanna asked Daniella.

"Hello, we're taking the SATs in less than twelve hours" Spencer reminded Hanna, "Can we focus?".

"Okay, Spencer, you and Dani do not need to know any more big words" Hanna said, "You two are already scary enough to anyone under fifty".

"Hey!" Daniella said, "Spencer is the scary one, not me".

"I'm not scary!" Spencer defended, she turned to Aria, "Am I scary?".

"A little" Aria replied, making Daniella give Spencer a I told you so look.

"Hey, I saw Noel hug you, and he did not wanna let go" Hanna told Daniella, bringing the conversation back to Daniella and Noel.

"He was comforting me Han" Daniella said, "Plus, we're dating, why is he hugging me so weird?".

"That wasn't the weird part, the weird part was the way Jason was glaring at Noel for touching you" Hanna clarified.

"Can we please not talk about Jason?" Daniella pleaded, "Talking about Jason gives me a headache".

"I'm just saying, it's clear to all of us, that Jason is still not over you" Hanna said.

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