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14. Through Many Dangers, Toils And Snares

One Month Later,

The five liars were at Southfield Playground, all dressed in their identical orange jumpsuits, picking up trash, after the whole shovel incident the girls were assigned to community service as other then them being caught with the shovel there was no other proof or motive found to prove that the girls killed Alison.

"Only an hour and thirty minutes to go" A tired Hanna informed her friends.

"Means we still have about two hours" Daniella realised, as another girl signed to community service passed by her, giving the two girls an annoyed look.

"How many hours you got left?" she asked one of the other girls.

"Six months".

"Because your mom's not a big-shot lawyer getting you and your pals community service for tampering with evidence".

"I thought you said they killed somebody".

"That's what the cops think, but the cops can't prove it".

"Cops are stupid".

"We didn't do anything" Emily snapped, having enough of people judging them without knowing the whole truth.

"Don't talk to them" Spencer warned Emily.

"I'll talk to anybody I want to" Emily argued.

"No, you won't" Spencer stated.

"And who's gonna stop me?" Emily challenged.

"Both of you just shut up, I don't wanna hear it anymore" Aria snapped, getting really tired of Spencer and Emily's constant fighting.

Emily looked at Spencer, "Did you at least think about my idea?" she asked.

"It was a bad idea when they arrested us it's a bad idea now" Spencer replied.

"We finally have something solid, why won't you use it?" a frustrated Emily asked.

"Because you can't make a deal with a rattlesnake" Spencer said.

"You can if you have something the rattlesnake wants" Emily retorted.

"Can we stop talking about snakes?" Hanna asked.

Spencer faced Emily, "Listen to me, we're not going to be making any kind of a deal with A, that's final".

"Maybe for you" Emily said, glaring at Spencer, "The rest of us don't have lawyers for parents".

"Meaning what?" an annoyed Spencer asked.

"Meaning your mom may have gotten us a deal but if they ever figure out a way to charge us for killing Ali she'll throw the rest of us under the bus to save you and you'd let her" Emily stated.

Spencer glared at Emily just as she turned to leave, Spencer threw her trash bag at Emily, spoiling her jumpsuit, Emily gasped in shock then the next moment lunged at Spencer and both the girls started fighting each other.

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