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13. The First Secret

Rosewood, Pennsylvania,
October 28, 2008

"So, what do you think, Em?" Alison asked Emily, as the six friends walked down the pavement after school, "Should Hanna be cute Britney or bald Britney?".

"If she wants to be cute Britney" Emily simply replied.

"Dani?" Alison asked next.

Daniella looked at Hanna, "Please don't shave your head just for a Halloween costume".

Alison and the rest of the girls chuckled, Alison then glanced at Spencer, she shook her head seeing Spencer busy on her phone, "Spencer, you're worse than my father".

"Sorry" Spencer apologised, "But I did just procure nine votes from the debate team".

"Wait, that's a good thing, right?" a confused Hanna asked.

"Yeah, and procured means to obtain with special effort" Spencer explained, "And obtain means to gath--".

"Are you gonna recite the entire dictionary?" Alison asked, interrupting Spencer before she could go on.

"I think that Hanna should be who she wants to be" Spencer finally said.

"Fine" Alison said, she looked at Hanna, "But you better wear the tightest skinny pants you can fit your big butt into".

Suddenly, both Emily and Daniella's phone went off.

"Ben?" Aria asked Emily.

"He's all about me going as a sexy cop for Halloween" Emily informed, checking Ben's message, "But I'm thinking Indian girl".

"Who messaged you?" Alison asked Daniella, seeing her busy on her phone.

Daniella looked at Alison, "Uh, it was my mom, she's picking my costume up, she was just making sure she got everything" she lied, not wanting to tell Alison that it was actually Jason who messaged her, wanting to know what Daniella was being for Halloween.

Alison looked at Daniella with narrowed eyes, but before she could say anything to her, Noel Kahn with a bunch of his friends drove up to the six girls.

"What a shame" Alison told Noel, "All that testosterone and not a sheep in sight".

"Careful, Alison" Noel warned, "See, I get your jokes but someday you might meet a guy who doesn't", Noel then looked towards Daniella, "Hey, Dani".

Daniella gave Noel a small wave, "Hey, Noel" she greeted.

"So am I gonna see you at my party on Friday?" Noel asked.

Daniella looked at Noel in confusion, "I wasn't aware that I was invited to this party of yours".

"Of course you're invited, all of you are" Noel informed, suddenly the car behind Noel's honked, telling Noel to move, "Come prepared to be scared".

"Wait, did we just get invited to Noel Kahn's Halloween bash?" an excited Hanna asked, after Noel had driven away.

"I'm a little embarrassed by how excited you girls are" Alison said, "It's just a party".

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