Episode 1: Breaking The Ice

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It started out on a hot summer day in Acmetropolis, probably the hottest day in record, triple digits and climbing!

But then, a bank is robbed by Ophiuchus Sam.

Ophiuchus Sam: Yeehaw! Nothing like a good ol robbery makes me feel better!

He gets on his robo donkey to escape

But then...

Rip: Not so fast!

Diego: Hola, mr bandit!

Ophiuchus Sam: Out of m way, rat and the blue chicken! Or y'all be blown outta my way, ya varmin!

Rip: Sure! *jumps and fires electric balls at him*

Ophiuchus Sam: *shoots at the balls but it does nothing* Giddyup!

the robo donkey takes off with Sam

Rip: Drat! Let's get after him!

Diego: No problemo! Arriba! Arriba! Arriba! *runs after him in full speed*

Rip: W-wha- hey! Wait for me, dammit! *activates his jetpack and takes off after them*

Ophiuchus Sam: I'm rich! I'm finally rich!

Diego: *dashes next to him* Wouldn't think so soon, amigo

Ophiuchus Sam: Out of the road, rat! *tries to shoot*

Diego: *slows down to dodge, pulls out his rifle and sets it to stun mode* Now hold still!

Rip: *from his jetpack* Just don't miss, kid!

Diego: I never do! I got sharp vision remember?

Rip: *suddenly sees Gorlop trying to help an old lady cross the road* Oh crap! Look out!

Diego: Whoa!! *dashes around them, avoiding them* Phew

Old lady: Do you hear something?

Gorlop: Nope, don't think so

Rip: hey, Sam!

Ophiuchus Sam: What, blue chicken!? 

Rip: How bout a nice shock to get your little brain cells working! *Shoots a bolt*

and it electrocutes Ophiuchus Sam

The robo donkey also was shocked and came to a sudden stop which flung Sam

Ophiuchus Sam: AAAAH!!

Nearby, a mother cobra Toon just nursing her baby

Cobra toon: Oh, you've been eating a lot! You cute little bundle of venom.

Then, she sees Sam flying towards her.

Sam: AAAAH!!

Cobra toon: AAAAH!! *slithers away*

Diego: Hold on! *dashes and helps push the mother and baby cobras away*

and Sam crashes to a trash bin

Rip: *lands with his arms crossed* You just HAD to cause trouble while we were enjoying this hot day out?

Diego: You okay madam?

Cobra toon: Oh thank you

Diego: Least we can do

Then, the police arrived, Percy Puma gets out of his car.

Percy: You are under arrest!

Ophiuchus Sam: Aw..darn....

Then, the police takes him away.

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