Episode 6: Redemption

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Footage of the Loonatics facing the Vulcan Gnarlies are shown to the Morningstar and his Guardlucks

Newt: Wow, colorful outfits

Fantom: Yeah! Colorful!

Morningstar: I've told you guys once, i've told you a thousand, thousand, thousand, thousand times. *Bombastic voice* ALWAYS KNOW YOUR ENEMY

Boom: Yesyesyesyesyes! Of course! Of course! Bad!

Newt: *filing his feet* Always know your enemies, yeah hm!

Franko: Mhm! Mhm! Exactly!

Morningstar: Look at me and listen, I am always right *accidentally sets Bucks butt on fire while lighting a cigar*

Buck: Ah! *runs* AAAAH!!!!

Guardlucks: Right!

Morningstar: I am always right

Boom: Absolutely!

Buck: My butt is still on fire!!

Franko: *tosses water*

Buck: *sighs in satisfaction*

Morningstar: I am always right *lights cigar*

Guardlucks: Right

In Freleng

Deuce: *Alone with Zadavia* Are you certain this is wise?

Zadavia: Mhm

She enters her royal ship and takes off for Acmetropolis

Meanwhile on Acmetropolis, in the jungle a rare animal is seen

Electro Fudd: Alwight...got it in my sights...

He's hunting a rare species of deer. The Saddleback Deer. Let's get nerdy here.

Discovered in 2022 and throughout generations, they're becoming vulnerable and their numbers decreases. Fudd is about to sabotage a rare animal conversation project, by hunting these rare creatures

Now, he's ready to shoot.

Electro Fudd: *Shoots but the bullet is blocked by a crystal that emerged from the ground* What??

Sapphire: No animal is dying today!

Electro Fudd: You stupid kitty! You scared it away!

Sapphire: Exactly! Sonic!

Sonic: *jumps out of the trees and let out his sonic scream* AAAAHHH!!!!!

Electro: Oh cwap! *Is pushed back far by the soundwaves*

Sapphire: Perfect!

Electro Fudd: *shakes* Ow...

Duck: *Appears out of nowhere* It's Jail Time!

Electro Fudd: Dag..nabbit

Later, they arrived at camp and shows the animal rights activist Electro.

Toon Walrus: Well well well

Woman: Looks like someone hunting for rare animals

Electro Fudd: Just my job till these lowlifes wuin it

Man: As they should!

Toon Walrus: Nice job, Loonatics. You'll be rewarded, couple thousand or so.

Sapphire: Keep the money, doing the right thing is the best kind of reward for us

Toon Walrus: Welp, your loss but thank you for saving the animal. These poor things are in danger of getting extinct

Duck: Not on our watch, whatever you guys are doing to protect them, keep it up

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