Episode 9: Daddy Duck Comes Home

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The alarm in Ducks room went off for about 10 seconds until he switched it off, he wakes up yawning and then looked at the calendar, his whole face lightened up. Today was his birthday!

Duck: YAHOO! *gets up outta bed* 

Duck quickly got his normal clothes on and begun to enter the living room, there he found no one, he begun to look around for his teammates until he entered the large VR training room where the lights came on.

Loonatics: Happy birthday, Duck!

Duck: You guys! Hehehehe!

Tris: *just hugs him* Happy birthday, Danny!

Duck: Aww! 

Zero: Hey there bud *bro fist*

Sonic wrapped his serpentine body around Duck for a hug

Sonic: Happy birthday Duck!

Duck just chuckled hugging his friend

During a day of just having fun and eating, surprisingly nothing evil or monstrous went down. Duck was now 25 years old and having a good time. Then, the door was knocking

Ace: Huh, wonder who that is? *opens* Hello?

It was a middle aged duck

??: Hello um, is Danny here?

Ace: Who's asking?

??: His papa

Ace paused, what?? Duck grew up in an orphanage, not with parents...unless.

Ace: Sure, come on in, doc

The middle aged fowl then saw Duck and smiled

Duck: Huh? Who are you?

Lou: Don't you know me, names Lou Duck...or your dad

Duck: My dad??

Lou: Hey..long time no see son..what's it been? 25 years..?

Zero took a pause

Zero: 24...no money or care for him in that time? 25 Years??

Lou: Danny um...I wanna make it up to you, whaddya say we go out together?

Duck: Sure, daddy-o!

Zero: Duck?

Duck: *quick head turn* Yes, Zero?

Zero: So he wasn't there for you all that time?

Duck: Well...yeah

Zero then looked at Lou coldly

Tris: Zero?

Zero: Mr Lou?

Lou: Huh? Yes?

Zero: What kind of job you've been doing?

Lou: I'm a truck driver for some company, been doing it all my life and it's worked pretty fine

Zero: And how come you haven't given some money to support your son?

Lou: Uh, Danny! Let's go out and have some time!

Duck: Sure! Later guys

The two ducks leave then Deuce entered the room

Deuce: Where they going?

Zero: Their going out, Deuce. Probably to catch up on times..we'll see how long THAT lasts

Later, Duck and and his father went to a carnival to catch up on old times, there Lou decided to tell his son about why he abandoned him

Lou: Son?

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