Chapter 23

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I open the door and walk down the steps, slowly making sure I don't trip on the heels. I spot Archer sitting on a lounge chair, scrolling through his phone. He must've changed, he's now wearing a black sweater with a white graphic on the front with blue skinny jeans. He spots me and his face lights up.

He stands up and meets me on the stairs, "I see the dress fits you." He says taking my hand and guiding me down the stairs. "Yes, it does." He gives me a smile, the most genuine smile I've seen him give me. "You look beautiful." I feel my cheeks heat up; I look at the ground. "Thanks," I say quietly.

"Well, we should get going." Archers says. I nod and we head out. Archer opens the car door for him and I slip in. Letting him close the door he heads around and gets into his side.

"Okay so here's the plan." He says as he starts the car and backs out of the driveway. "We go to the mall to get you clothes or whatever, and then we head to that seafood restaurant I was talking about."

I nod, it's all on his dime so why should I argue. We drive in silence for a few minutes. "So I'm sure you're in shock." over what? The fact that you're acting semi-decent or the fact that you called me your girlfriend?" Archer lets out a small laugh.

"Both? But mostly the second.'' I rest my arm on the center console. Archer coughs and adjusts his arm itching a bit closer to mine. I stare at his hand, it's slender and pale. I grabbed it and intertwined our fingers. Trying to see something.

At the sudden movement, Archer swerves out of his lane, causing passing cars to honk. "Watch the road!" I am annoyed by the sudden movement of the vehicle causing me to slide forward in my seat. "Sorry!" he says worriedly. "Are you okay?" his grip on my hand tightened, and I pull away.

He glances at my hand sadly before going back to the road. "As I was saying before you almost killed us,'' I say tightening my seat belt before he tries to kill us both. "I don't trust you, you have too many secrets. You act weird and possessive, and you're white. But."

I pause trying to find the right thing to say next, "But?" Archer asks if he makes a turn into the mall parking lot. He parks at the food court, and we sit in silence. "But you already told Casey that we're dating, so even if I didn't want to, we'd have to date."

"If you didn't want to?" he asks, turning to look at me. "Do you want to?" I shake my head, "Archer we've known each other for less than a month. We barely know each other, if we're gonna date it would only be so that Casey doesn't have my head." Archer nods looking sad, "So we're not dating?"

I'm about to do something real dumb, I don't like him I think he's weird, and he's white. But the way he's looking at me makes me feel funny. "We're gonna be a couple-" his face lights up and he leans over, not letting me finish, and gives me a hug.

"You won't regret this," he says, giving me a wide smile. He opens his door hopping out, "Archer let me finish." He basically runs over to my side of the car and opens the door. He peers down at me, a wide smile displayed across his face.

I sigh, I regret this already. He reaches his hand out for me to grab. I sigh and reach for it. He pulls me up, wrapping me in an embrace. "We are not there yet." I say wanting his hands off of me. He quickly backs up, giving me a sheepish smile.

I reach back into the car to grab my phone from the seat and realize I don't have pockets. "Turn around." I order him to oblige, I place the phone in his back pocket and he turns back around. He has the biggest smile plastered across his face.

He grabs my hand and starts walking towards the entrance, "Slow down Archer remember wearing heel- OW!" Archer excitedly walked faster than I could manage and I tripped on the curb. I was able to catch myself before my face hit the pavement.

I sat upright on the curb, "Oh my god I'm so sorry!" Archer says his voice is riddled with concern. I sigh, it's obvious he didnt mean for me to fall. He squats down to my level, "Are you okay? Anything scratched or broken?" I shake my head and rise to my feet still stumbling with the heels.

"I'll buy you a different pair of shoes.'' I nod in agreement. He stands next to me unsure of what to do. I sigh and place my hand around his waist. "Let's go. This time slowly." he nods following my lead.

"If we're gonna do this we're gonna have rules." I say. If I'm gonna date him, I'm gonna capitalize on it. "What kind of rules?" He opens the door for the both of us, the mall is packed for a week day. "One I want a credit card, unless you want me to appear.. Poor like you called me before."

Archer signs, "I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that.'' We walked side by side letting him take the lead. "Doesn't matter what you meant, now two no kissing on the lips, three you must keep your groupies in line at school." Archer nods.

"Okay anything else?" I nod, "Okay one last thing for now. Stop coming to my job when I work." Archer shakes his head, "Nope I won't do that, what if you need my help like last time?" I sigh." Is it really that important that you come to my work?" He gives me a pleading look and I cave.

"Fine." "Yay!" he says victoriously. We headed into the Nike store. "Pick out any shoe, I'll be sitting over here." he sits down at a bench and says for me to look around. I look around the store and find a pair of Nike Airs that look nice.

I ask the worker if they have it in my size, while they go into the back Archer walks up from behind and wraps his arm around my waist, "What are you doing?" I ask as I examine the other shoes they have on display. He places his head on my shoulder and nuzzles my neck.

His hair tickles and I squirm, "You found the shoe you're gonna get?" I nod and point at the shoe. "It suits you." he continues to nuzzle my neck, "Archer we are in public." he sighs and places his chin atop my head. "You can get another pair if you want?" I shake my head. "Aren't we going to other stores too? I can get other pairs as well." Archer places a kiss on the top of my head. "If that's what you want.

The worker comes back and hands me the shoe box. "Are you ready to check out?" I look up at Archer and he nods. The worker leads us to the check out. "Is there anything else you guys need?" I placed a pair of white socks on top of the box. "I'm gonna need socks if I'm about to put the shoes on now.' I say to Archer.

He shrugs, "Whatever you want babe." he says pulling out his wallet to pay. "That'll be 462 dollars and 52 cents. Will you be paying with cash or card?" "Card." Archer puts the card into the reader and punches in his pin number.

"We don't need a bag. I'm putting them on right now." the worker nods and slides the box across the table. I smile and pick it up heading back to the bench Archer was sitting on before. Archer took the box from me and opened it.

He gently pulls the heel from my foot and puts on the socks then the shoes. Tuning them quickly, "Okay." he says standing up and pulling me to my feet. "How do those feel?" I nod and smile. "They feel good, thanks Archer." he places the heels in the Nike shoe box.

He places his hand on my hip and leads us both out of the store. "Where to next?"

I will now be returning to my hole. 

1422 words 

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