Chapter 9: Anything doesn't last forever.

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One's expectation's should never be let down, especially If they are not blood related. Treasure them, they'd love you the most after all!!! - Anonymous.



I woke up in the middle the night, after I fell off my bed by rolling on my bed while I was sleeping. My butt hurt, I couldn't believe it. I fell off the bed again. I thought I finally stopped. God.........My head hurts too.

While I was contemplating on what to do. I heard roaring laughter nearby, I was taken aback. I turned my head while sitting on the floor to yell at him but when I looked at Andrew's face, I stared at him my mouth halfway open. There he stood, his back leaning on the door frame, figure bent over in laughter. He looked so ............ with just the night lamps emitting dim orange lights.

"What a nice scene, right?" Andrew spoke up trying to stop laughing at me.

And that brought me out of my trance, I looked down in embaressment I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. How Embaressing, god!!!

Well, whatever I've got to move, I can feel a headache coming up. I held my back in one hand and was about to stand but I winced when I felt pain in my right foot as I tried to move. No! I internally groaned, not a sprain. They hardly cure instantly for me, It stays longer than the usual time it does for everybody.

"Woah!" I heard Andrew exclaim before he rushed over beside me. I tried getting up once again without his help but failed again, the only result was feeling more pain.

"Take it slow, will you?"

He held me by the arms to prevent me from trying to get up by myself once again. I didn't reply him. I just stayed motionless.

He carried me bridal style once again that night and laid me down slowly on the bed . All this while I was staring at his greenish blue eyes. It was hard to believe that he's not being mean for once.

Well, I do agree that it's always my snappy replies that makes the conversation go sour yet in my defense it isn't my fault, it's the easiest way I can find to not let him know about my feelings. If he even had an inkling about what I feel for him, he'd probably not even talk to me anymore or worst he might feel pity for me. Never in the world of blueberries, I'd let that happen!

"Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine -"

" No you're not. Are you hurt anywhere else? apart from your foot, you're not hurt anywhere else right?"

"Nope" I answered with a smile, not looking up at him.

"Does it hurt?" He questioned again, lightly touching the sprained ankle of my right foot.


"Don't even think about lying, be honest will you? I just saw you fall off the bed" he stated.

I waited for a laugh or a mocking comment to follow but when I didn't recieve one. I looked up to see Andrew looking at me with a serious face with concern and irritation on his face.

"Yeah and you laughed your ass off" I stated with a frown on my face.

"Well, I couldn't help it. You were lying on the bed sleeping so peacefully and then all of a sudden you rolled off the bed!" He exclaimed

I noticed how he stated me sleeping peacefully, how did he know? Moreover, what was he doing at that time leaning on the door frame?

I don't think i'd get any answers right now anyway. So I better act as if I didn't hear him saying that.

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