Whoops or Nah?

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~ Riley's POV ~



I ran to the door and opened it and saw Jack G.

"Hey Jack"

"Sup baby girl. I thought the door was locked?"

"Well it wasn't." I saying hiding my laugh. "Anyways what's up?"

"Nothing, got bored wanting to see if you and Nash, wanted to hang out. Johnson isn't feeling so good so he said he'll be in bed all day"

"Yeah sounds great" Nash said

"Yeah, let me get my jacket"


I walked upstairs and saw Mack confused.

"Mack? What's wrong?"


"What about Shawn...?"

"He sent.. A snap to me.."


I walked in with her and heard Luke in the bathroom. I looked and it was Shawn shirtless saying.. What? When your ready comes and get it babe.


"Oh my god.. How could he be so stupid?!? Was this meant for me?! Was it for his girlfriend or what?!?! Ugh!!!"


"I fucking hate boys! Especially Sh-shawn and C-cameron...." She starts to tear up.

"Mack. Is this about what happened earlier? If it is, you can talk to me you know. We're best friends remember?" I pretty much beg her to open up to me, missing the fact that I was the first one she would always talk to.

"I DON'T KNOW, I THOUGHT I WAS OVER T-THEM. Than when I walked into...that this morning, I didn't know what to do, it was so awkward. Than, I went to someone's room, thinking it was Jacks, but turned out it was S-Shawn's, and....not two seconds later his girlfriend walked in and just tried to have a full make out session. He soon pulled away after they were both out of breathe, like he forgot I WAS FUCKING THERE! Than he suddenly remembered me, like I was just a memory, and tried to talk to me all normal. I don't want that. Maybe I'm jealous of the girls that they have. They are so pretty, so perfect, and may seem slutty or fake, but...they are still fucking models, I know I can't compete in that category, and I bet they both AREN'T fucking suicidal, bitch ass drama queens who make them feel like shit, can't compete there either. Or maybe I'm sad, at the fact that they seemed to move on so easily while I was here trying to have fun with the guys, still having to have them babysit me half the time to make sure I didn't hurt myself in anyway, because I was so sad some days. Or...maybe I'm just pissed at myself. I mean, who am I kidding?! I left Cam for Shawn, he was miserable and I did nothing to help him feel better, maybe this is what he felt like, but worse. I deserve that at least. But...Shawn... I was stupid enough to think that he would wait for me, that he would still love me after I left him...that what we had was strong enough to still be there when you guys returned.....but...I-I- guess not. I. Left. Him. I deserve this. I caused them both so much pain, they deserve to be happy...s-so I-f this is the way for them to be happy...w-with-o-o-out m-m-me in their l-l-life...s-so b-b-be it. I'm done. I'll be gone, out of their life's, and they can be happy." She finally finishes, sobbing, yet still keeping a straight-as-can-be-managed-right-now face. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss this. I missed hearing my best friend come to me with her problems. I missed hearing her crying, and me being the one to help her. I missed her all together, but yet,...I hate seeing her like this. This may possibly be close to as worse as when her sister died, all the pain and depression she was going through. I want to fix this, no, I'm going to fix this, I lost my best friend once, and I'm not losing her again.


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