Mr Loverman | Three

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Your eyes fluttered open and you come face to face with Luz. Her face was an inch from yours, and you stare at each other before you shout.

"Luz!" You gasp. "What are you-"

"What happened with you and Hunter last night!?" She asked accusingly. "Because he's been really out of it this morning! Did you break up with him?!"

You tried to blink the sleep out of your eyes. "W-What?"  You rubbing your eyes sitting up. "No I didn't break up with Hunter- What are you even talking about?" 

She crossed her arms. "He's been zoning out a lot! What did you do?!"

You frowned watching her, your mind replayed the events of last night. Oh. You remembered he pinned you to the couch and literally made out with you. 

Your face started to flush and you looked at Luz who was glaring at you.  "I-I mean...he did do something he never did before." You shrugged.

Luz looked horrified. "Di-DID YOU MAKE HUNTER DO THE DEVIL'S TANG-"

"NO!" You cut her off angry. "No! I didn't! We kissed- Like- Made out kissed! I don't think he's ever done that so that might be why! He's probably processing it!" 

At least you hoped he was. Does he regret kissing me?  You thought worriedly. Am I bad at kissing?

Luz stared at you, he face flushing pink. "WHAAAAAT?!" She screamed. You covered her mouth. 

"Luz!" You whispered. "Shut up!"

She pulled away covering her face. "Oh my gosh- I never- m-making out?! Me and Amity never-"

You cut her off. "Good! Because you're too young to make out!" You said. "Me and Hunter are almost ADULTS!"

She watched you, "You're literally both sixteen."

You crossed your arms. "See? Adults."

"No. You're not."

"FIne! Whatever." You looked at Luz. "But you're not allowed to do that!"

"Neither can you!" Luz shot back.

You gasped. "I'm two years older than you!" You scowled.

"Still a child!"

"No, you're the child!"

You scowled at each other when the door opened. Eda stood there. "Luz, why did you scream 'what'?" She asked tiredly. 

"Nothing!" Luz said quickly.

Eda looked at the two of you before sighing. "Fine, whatever. Breakfast is done. I got some inside word from someone. We need to discuss it because it causes a big problem to our plan."

You and Luz got up nodding. 



Eda left and Luz looked at you. "Child," She said before following Eda.

You pressed your lips together before leaving the room.

You sat next to Hunter, who tensed, holding his breakfast. You noticed this but shrugged. "Morning, Hunter,"

He looked at you a quick second. "I- Uh...morning, Y/n." He looked away from you quickly. 

You looked at him. "Oookay."

Eda spoke, holding on to the table. "Alright, I got someone from the inside who told me that Amity and King are not in the same place." She said. 

Luz widened her eyes. "What?!" She protests. "What about the twins?!"

"They're with King...but Amity? She's at Hexside being mind controlled to attend school." 

"Mind controlled?!" Luz gasped. "Is that even-"

"Yes." Eda cut her off. "Her mother has her under it. She won't recognize anyone." 

Luz sat back, tears forming in her eyes. Willow touched Luz's shoulder before speaking. "What about the twins and King?"

Eda sighed. "They're in the conformatorium, heavily guarded." She said, irritated. "But! I have a plan. Raine is still on the inside, and apparently so is Darius and Eberwolf. I'm going to go with them to break the kids out, I want all of you to go to Hexside undercover and get Amity, and bring her here. Except you, Y/n. Hunter said you have to stay here,"

Hunter looked away. "We talked last night. I agreed they could go if they stayed by my side." He said.

You smiled. "Yeah!"

"Oh. Well, okay. We should go in tomorrow, I have to respond to Raine's letter and you guys have to find some disguises and find a way to get in and out of Hexside." Eda said. "I suggest you use this day to prepare."

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