Mr Loverman | Eight

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Hunter was with Eda, in town to pick up food. They wore hoods and a mask so they wouldn't be caught. 

You sat on the couch with King as he explained the Boiling Isles to you. 

"Most of the food here, you can't eat or you'll die a painful death!"

You pressed your lips together. "Okay..." You said slowly. "Is there anything I can eat?"

King paused. "Oh, yeah. How do you think Luz survived here?" He said putting his tiny hands on his hips.

You opened your mouth and paused. "Oh- Yeah, I guess you have a point."

"The tiny cute animal does have a point." Someone said. 

You turned and saw the one of the twins, Edric. "Hi," You said smiling. You turned back to King. "Anywho, is anything I can drin-"

"Are you a magician? Because every time I look into your eyes, everyone else suddenly disappears!" Edric offered. 

You laughed. "Uh, no, I'm human. And I have a boyfriend, sorry."

Edric pouts. "A boyfriend in the Human Realm?"

"No, a boyfriend here. It's Hunter." You said simply and turned back to King. "Is your water here okay to drink?"

King glanced at Edric, who looked dejected. "Uh, yeah! Do you want some water?"

"Yeah, that'd be nice!" You said hopefully. 

King jumped off the couch and waddled off to the kitchen. Emira came in and smiled. "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes," She said smiling. "Emira Blight, also known as your future girlfrie-"

"They already have a boyfriend," Edric butted in gloomily. 

Emira paused. "Oh. Who?" She asked curiously. 

"It's that Hunter. The Golden Guard guy," Amity said coming into the living room, hand in hand with Luz.

You turned around clutching the arm of the couch. "Cool background! Cool background!" You said excitedly. "Hunter's known as the Golden Guard here?!" You asked. "Who? How? Was he hot?"

Luz looked at Amity. "Well...I guess we can explain," She said shrugging.

She went to the couch sitting down. "Hunter was known as the Golden Guard who worked for our enemy!" Luz started excitedly. "He was the teen prodigy of the Emperor's Coven!"

You gasped. "Really?" You said grinning. "Wait, wait, he was your enemy?!"

Amity nodded sighing. "He fought me as Eclipse Lake a few months back."

"Do you have a video? He knows how to fight?!" You said eagerly. "Lemme see!" 

Amity pulled out her scroll. "Someone must have followed us on the mission and recorded the fight, because I found this a week after the fight."

She handed you her scroll and took it as a video played.

As you watched, Hunter came in with Eda. "We're hooome!" Eda sang. 

You run up to Hunter and he jumped back surprised. "Y/n?" He asked confused.

You flashed the scroll, "Why didn't you tell me you could fight?!" You asked, stars in your eyes. "You looked so cool here!"

Hunter raised an eyebrow confused before looking at the scroll. He watched for a few seconds and his eyes widen.

He grabbed the scroll and shut it forcefully. 

"Hey!" Amity snapped. 

Hunter tossed it to her and didn't look at you. You studied him. "Hunter...?"

"Not...Not right now, Y/n..." He said softly.

He brushed past you and you turned confused. Did I do something..?

Sorry it's short! Exam is about to start!

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