Secrets come to the light/chp. 14

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Hunter POV

We sit in silent. Did I say the right thing. Edric didn't really make an expression. He looked completely content. Maybe he didn't really like me? A smile plastered over his plain expression.

"I understand hunter, we have been taking it a lil too fast, I mean I barely know anything about you" I was shocked on how understanding he was.

"So your not going to run away to go cry in your bed?" Edric bursted into laughter again, I started to realize that he did that quite often.

"You crack me up" he sighed. "So what do you want to know about me" I asked. "Well we can either stay out here and talk all day or we can go make sure our friends and sisters aren't dying right now" we looked at when another. "Nah" we both said in sync.

We both sit down with our backs up against the owl house. I think you myself as Edric goes on and on about him and his sisters. Should I tell him I'm the golden guard? What if he hates me, what if I really did take incident witchy lives. I mean belos is a pretty bad person I guess. Luz and eda said he has been manipulating. I don't know. Maybe he lied. Maybe they did nothing wrong. But then again if I keep it from Ed the longer it take the more he's going to hate me.

"Ed I really need to tell you something! It's about me, it's a huge secret," I blurt out. "Sure, go ahead" I sit staring at him. "Whenever your ready" I tap my finger again the rough ground. "I'm the golden guard" I blurt out randomly. I throw a hand over my mouth. Why. Why why why why why! My breath gets heavier once the silent begans to grow louder.

"Your the golden guard?! Have you ever sneezed in your mask? "
He asks to my surprise. There was no OMG I HATE YOU or EWW YOUR SO DANGEROUS I CAN'T HANG AROUND YOU ANYMORE. "That's it" "yea, I've always wondered if you have or not, I think it's cool, so have you ever sneezed in your mask? "

I gaze at him for a minute. "I mean yea I do all the time" " that's gross man" he laughs for a few seconds. "So your not mad about all the bad stuff I've done" the silence grows loud again. "Bad stuff? I mean everytime I see the golden guard I just think if he's ever sneezed in his mask before, I never paid close attention to him... Er I mean you heh" he rubs the back of his neck. "Any other COOL secrets you'd like to tell me" he asks .

I was about to tell him about belos and how horrible he was until we got interrupted. "Guys, thank god I found you! They have that weird thing on everyone in the house... Well except for us three of course! "

Me and Ed look at each other and quickly jump to our feet. Penny couldn't hold any more blackmail against me anymore now that Eddy knows. Wait EDDY. what the flapjack is wrong with me.

I told Luz and Eddy... I mean edric everything I knew about Penny's powers. I even told them how much belos wanted to keep her secret. We made a huge plan on how to get Steve and Kiki distracted so I can snick something over her eyes, and steal luz's glyphs and throw them to Luz and kick them out!

We all stomp into the house. Eda and king where having a tea party, while Amity and emira where having a compliment battle. "No mittens your the nicest" "no em your funnier" "!no mittens you had enough confidence to dye your hair" and yea that just went on and on.

" this is weird" Ed said. Penny, Kiki, and Steve talked privetly alone in the kitchen. Luz grabbed a ball and came running into the kitchen. " over here edric here-" Luz dramatically fell over . "Ahhhh my leg, my leg is so hurt whatever shall I do" edric came running to her side. " don't worry Luz you must be brave, if only a guard named Steve, and I weird short creature named kikimora would help us right now" edric whined.

Kiki scoffed pulling Steve to help aid Luz. I grabbed flapjack and teleported behind penny. I wrapped her cloak around her eyes and knocked her to the ground, making her hit her head. I grabbed the bad of glyphs and got ready to throw them to Luz.

Right before I could throw them a tall figure teleported in front of me. IT WAS BELOS. I dropped the bag, widening my eyes. "Your mission his going terrible penny, I expected better from you" his ominous deep voice echoed through my ears. "Oh come on Belos! I had that" she complained. Something I could never do. "Do not raise your voice at me and take this weird curse off everyone I don't like how there acting" "but sir shouldn't we finish the mission" Kiki asked. "WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW I AM SO CONFUSED" Ed screamed his head off.

"And you, hunter" Belos poInted his finger towards me, completely ignoring eddy... Ah Ed's nonsense screaming. "You must come home, we need our golden guard, I don't have time to make a new one just yet" my eyes widen, my heart is beating within 200mps ( miles per screams)

What did he mean by "make a new one". " make a new one, emperor what do you mean" I hear Penny ask from behind me. "Ah or I could just use Penny, she was a little but of a malfunction when she was made, she wasn't really supposed to be a she nor have powers, I don't really know how she went so wrong yet so powerful" belos goes on with the mystery.

"nope I've had THE talk before I refuse to get it again" Ed covered his ears, I in fact had no idea what he was talking about. "Malfunction, Belos you speak as if I was some machine or a... Clone... We're clones! " Penny connected the dots to an idiotic finale. "Ah close, grim walkers is what you to are"

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