Chapter 1

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In the capital of Konohagakure, the kingdom of Fire. Servants of butlers and maids walked idly, their arms full of an assortment of things, through the corridors of the palace. Knights of rankings from grand collar to grand commander leant against walls, slacking from their duties with talk and low snickers of minuscule topics.
The kingdom was peaceful with the morning sun steadily climbing high and whispers slowly turning into full-volume conversations. The knights became more awake as the morning stretched, becoming lax, until, well, the highest of their commanding whisked by.
Each straightened, bumping their fists in greeting and dismissing their conversations. Servants of all class bowing their heads or sending a greeting smile.

The commanding of all ranking knights, their General, paid no mind to any of this. As she passed, and turned another corner, topics would resume and each individual would become lax once more thinking she was out of hearing range. Which she never was, but in the morning the General had other duties to attend to. Some idle chat did not matter, at this specific time.

Not until her name was called, of course.

"Naruto! Good morning!"
She glanced over her shoulder, raising a singular brow as his majesty walked her way.
Shisui, her Commanding Office, greeted her with a smile, as Itachi came into step with her.

"Has my brother woken yet?" Itachi asked, smile full of hope. Naruto glanced his way, but gave no indication.
Until a moment later, "I am on my way to wake his highness at the moment, your majesty."
"Oh.. well, how was your night? Get a full nights rest?" The hope returned, only this time in the gleam of Itachis coal eyes.
"I was very busy last night, your majesty."
"With work?" He asked, voice now turning squeaky. Naruto glanced his way, but did not answer.

Itachi slumped, seeming to dump his hope elsewhere, before turning to face Naruto.

"Why do you allow him outside the gates Naruto? You know what he does out there, and it is no way for a prince like him to act. Your getting sloppy."
Naruto raised another brow. "I am not sloppy in the slightest, your majesty. I simply do not see any point in stopping his highness when that would only fuel his need to escape."
"Yes, but why do you let him?"
"I keep a well enough eye on him." She instead responded.
Itachi seemed to slump more. Before he huffed and stepped into her path of walking. Naruto stepped a foot back, coming to be at Shisui's shoulder.

"As his personal knight, Naruto, may I remind you that it is your duty. He is a prince. Princes' do not do such things like sneaking out to pubs." Both Shisui and Naruto raised a brow. Itachi ignored this look. "He's getting too old for this Naruto. You need to start caring about your job more."
"I care deeply of my job."
"Not enough if your letting Sasuke go wherever he pleases!" Itachi exasperated. "I had allowed you into the academy on the promise you'd watch over this kingdom—hence Sasuke."
"I am watching over his highness, your majesty. But that does not mean I have the authority to drag him every which way anyone so pleases. You allowed me into the academy because of my potential, that does not entail locking his highness in his bedchamber."
"He's twenty Naruto."
"I'm aware."
"He should be marrying. Starting a family." Naruto nodded in agreement. "He can't do those things if you won't keep him in place!"
"Your majesty, while you and Shisui have an almost inseparable bond. One that has you take his word into consideration, his highness and I have no bond, hence no relationship. He is a prince, I am a knight. He wants to go somewhere, I go along. He does something ludicrous, I clean up the mess.
I have no right to tell him what to do.." Naruto side-stepped Itachi. "Now if you'll excuse me."

And she walked, turning a corner before Itachi could reprimand her way of thinking.

He grumbled, "Naruto come back here!"

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