Chapter 7

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In Itachis office, Naruto slumped into one of the chairs as he made himself comfortable on the opposite side.
Both sat in silence until Itachi sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"You didn't know he'd come?"
"Are you sure?"

Itachi frowned. Silence stretched.
Both sighed a moment later, Naruto running a hand over her face.

"If it weren't bad enough with Kuni."
Itachi hummed in agreement. "Should we send them back?"
Naruto shook her head, resting her cheek on top of her leathered palm. "No. If we did that now after they have arrived. Others would become suspicious."
"Than the Wind-"
"Can't do that either." Naruto stated. "It is no secret we have invited the Wind. If they do not turn up, others will talk. If we send them word, his majesty will surely become suspicious of why."
"We can deal with that."
"Not right now," Naruto said. "Gaara would only be here for one reason, Itachi. If he knows, then I can only imagine what the Wind must be thinking at this moment."
Itachi frowned, "If word of you has gotten to Sunagakure."
"It surely has made its way to Kuni." Naruto agreed.
Itachi shook his head. "What do you want to do, Naruto? I will suffer very little, but with your fiancé here and-"
"He isn't my fiancé." Naruto shook her head. "Never was."
"Alright, well, then what should we do with your parents?"
Naruto frowned, "Itachi-"
"They are your parents, Naruto. Don't hide that now, not when it's only me here."
Naruto shook her head. "We share blood, nothing more." She looked at Itachi. "And currently, there is nothing we can do." She said, "Just... have to stay as far away as possible."
"That sounds easier than done." Itachi murmured. "As a general, you can not hide when Kunis royals call after you- and Gaara has set himself in a position where you two will be in close contact. As he's labeled himself a General."

Naruto sighed. "At this current moment, I do not hold the title of crowned princess. Gaara can not do anything without that tiara on my head.
And as a knight, as a general, I do have to answer to their majesties, but I do not serve under them. It's not ideal, but I am in a position where I can easily slide through their attention. Though not for long, if any, have not changed over the years."
"We were able to hide you the last time, slip you through their fingers through their last visit."
Naruto looked at Itachi. "I can't do that now."
"Slipping through someone's grasp and hiding are two different things. Last time I was a collar commander, I did not have the responsibility I do now. In some ways, it will be easier- and it's not like Sasuke will notice anything amiss."
"Are you positive about that?"
Naruto raised a brow at Itachi. "He notices a lot that you do, Naruto." Itachi elaborated, "He noticed your change of mood in the throne room. I'm sure he would notice the tension between your parents, Gaara, and you sooner or later."
"I think you give his highness too much credit, Itachi."
"I believe you don't give him enough."
Narutos brow puckered. "He deserves what I give."
"Are you sure about that, Naruto?"


Naruto was proven right not a day later when she entered Sasukes bed chambers the next morning.

Seething with irritation, Naruto dragged a young woman no older than eighteen from the palace and to the gates where she threw her out of palace territory.
Scowling, she stomped her way back in and up into Sasukes bedchamber.

"Seriously?!" She boomed, making even Yuki flinched. "Are you fucking serious?!"
Sasuke pulled the towel around his face tighter, wishing it could block out the incredulity in Narutos tone.
"This is ridiculous, your highness! Absolutely ridiculous!" She glowered.
He sunk lower into the water, trying his best to ignore her.


He groaned, the ringing of his name forcing him to lean over. Yuki held a bucket as he puked the alcohol back up.
Naruto was rubbing at her brow, a steady finger pushing hard into her temple.

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