Chapter 31

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Naruto watched as Anastasia wolfed her plate of food down. She rested an elbow on the table when Anastasia pushed the plate away. She wiped her lips and eyed Narutos food.
Having been through this situation personally, Naruto pushed the plate toward the girl. Anastasia didn't hesitate to gulp down the food and take the last swing of water from her cup.

The waitress came back around seeing Narutos plate now on Anastasia's side.

"¿Le gustaría algo más señorita?"*Would you like something else miss?* She eyes Narutos sword for the hundredth time since first introducing herself as Lilian.
"Solo otro vaso de agua si quieres."*Just another glass of water if you would.*
"por supuesto."*Of course.*

Naruto whistled and Anastasia looked up. "They're not going to kick us out, slow down before you choke."
She blushed and looked down at the food. "It's just the best meal I've ha-had in a while."
The waitress sat the water down and Naruto pushed it toward her. "I need to get supplies before we leave. We're in no rush."
Anastasia nodded and sipped the water. "I still feel bad for leaving my father."
"Why? When I left my family I didn't look back." Naruto lied.
Anastasia looked at Naruto surprised. "You ran away."
"Mmhm. The King, Uchiha Itachi, took me in when a bakery owner was about to cut my hand off for stealing a loaf of bread."
Anastasia gasped and continued to eat her food, waiting for Naruto to go on.
"I wanted to be a knight like my elder brother." She continued to blatantly lie. "But my father wanted me to get married and have children seeing he was getting old and had a lung condition. My brother died of a disease six months after I left."
"Do people still look down on you for being a knight?"
"Not since I was deemed Chaplain after my previous supervisor was caught for being associated with the underworld and was planning on hurting the kings younger brother."
"Were you the one who caught him?"
"Yeah. People like to say I have a sixth sense for who'll betray me or not."
"Wow." Anastasia stared at Naruto in awe. "I bet your that General everyone looks up to and respects."
"I've been a knight for ten years."
"Oh... wait how old are you?"
"Twenty. I turned twenty on the 10th."
"Oh... my brother left around that time if I think about it." Anastasia frowned and looked at Naruto. "What did he do to um... be killed?"
Naruto sighed. "He abducted the youngest prince of the Fire along with Darren and Earl."
Anastasia gasped and clenched the fork. "I never liked Earl if that helps."
"Mm." Naruto looked out the window than back at Anastasia. "How long have you been in that gown?"
Anastasia looked at her clothes. "About a week or two."
Naruto scrunched her nose. "We'll go shopping after you finish eating."
She nodded and finished her second plate before chugging the water down. Naruto whistled and waved the waitress over from the front counter.
"¿Todo listo?"*All done?* She smiled.
"Sí. ¿Puedo tener el total y un muffin de arándanos para llevar?"*Yes. Can I have the total with a blueberry muffin to go?"
"Seguramente."*Certainly.* She took the plates and empty glasses.
Anastasia gave Naruto a guilty look. "Sorry I ate your serving."
"I won't die not eating."
She smiled as the woman came back with a paper and muffin in the bag. Naruto dropped the amount of yen needed and stood. She walked over and picked Anastasia up. She giggled with a few eyes looking their way.

Naruto put her back on the horse and grabbed the lead before untying it.

"Do you know a nearby clothing shop?"
Anastasia frowned and shook her head. "Ben did all of my shopping."
Exasperatedly Naruto sighed and began to walk off.

"¡Oye!"*Hey!* Naruto walked over to two women holding bags. "¿Podría por favor darme instrucciones para llegar a la tienda de ropa más cercana?"*Could you please give me instructions to the closest clothing shop.*
The two women looked Narutos clothing up and down and giggled.
"Buscando un sentido de la moda, ¿verdad?"*Looking for a sense of fashion, are you?*
They both giggled and Anastasia frowned. Naruto rolled her eyes and cut one of the women's shirts with her sword. Both gasped at the large draping of fabric before looking up at Naruto in horror.
"Parece que necesitarás un guardarropa nuevo si no derramas dónde está la maldita tienda."*Seems you'll need a new wardrobe if you don't spill where the fucking shop is.*
"E-está a la vuelta de la manzana... por favor, no me cortes el vestido."*I-It's around the block.. please don't cut my dress.*
Naruto rolled her eyes and led the horse down the block. Anastasia stared back at the women who continued to watch them.
"That was amazing." She breathed in awe of Narutos power once again. "How'd you pull your sword out so quickly Naruto?"
"Years of practice."

Naruto turned the corner and looked for a door that would lead to a clothing shop. It was easy to spot the bright dresses through the long line of shops.
She pulled the horse up and tied the lead once more before helping Anastasia slide right into her arms.

"I could get used to this." She smiled.
Naruto rolled her eyes, making Anastasia giggle. She walked up the few wooden steps and pushed the door open. An annoying cow bell went off above them.
A man walked out and looked fairly surprised to see Naruto setting Anastasia down. She turned to him when the girl was secure.
"Necesito un vestido. De preferencia para embarazos."*I need a dress. Preferably for pregnancies.*
He looked her up and down than moved to Anastasia.
"Para la joven supongo."*For the young lady I presume.*
"Sí, el que tiene un trasero de bebé, inteligente, inteligente."*Yes the one with a baby bum you smart smart man.*
Anastasia smiled at Narutos annoyed sarcasm. The man nodded and went into the back, blown by a woman's disrespect. She looked up at Naruto.
"Are you not gonna buy yourself a dress?"
"I'm more comfortable in mens wearing." Naruto leaned on the wall. "It's easier to move in with my job."
Anastasia nodded in understanding. "It's not bad to dress up sometimes."
"You sound like the damned prince I watch over."
Anastasia giggled as the man came out holding a house maddens dress.


Anastasia watched as Naruto strapped a small trolly to the sides of her horse.

"What are you doing?"
"This'll be where your sleeping."
"Why can't I just rest on you while your leading the horse back to the Fire?"
"Because your bed ridden. It won't be good for the baby if your constantly bouncing up and down."
Anastasia frowned and looked down at her baby bum.
"The doctor said I probably wouldn't live through the pregnancy." She mumbled.
"Doctors have a fifty perfect chance of being right and a fifty percent chance of being wrong. If you take it easy, you'll most likely prove them wrong."
"And if I don't? What'll happen to my baby? Ben had said that he'd take care of them... but now..." Anastasia trailed off.
Naruto helped her off the horse and walked her over to the blanket and pillow covered trolly. She laid her down and grabbed the covers corners.
"I know a couple who'd be more than willing to take the child."
"The king and queen."
Giving Anastasia no time to reply, Naruto pulled back the blue tarp and made sure it was secure. She grabbed her chest plate and relocated it over her body. Naruto draped a cloak over her shoulders and mounted her horse once more. Putting the hood up and looking up at the angry gray clouds; she snapped the lead and dug her heels into the horses side.
He began to trot for the journey back to the Fire.

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