Chapter 47

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Today was the day.
Today was the Winter Festival.
But like any good, important day, Sasuke was no where to be found and Izumi was flipping out.

"Naruto! Oh Naruto!"
She stopped and turned around to see Izumi rushing to her with a sleeping Shinjiro wrapped around her chest securely.
"Have you seen Sasuke?" She huffed when she finally caught up to the general.
Naruto shook her head. "I've been prepping everyone for the festival."
"Damn it." She sighed and held Shinjiros head gently. "No one's been able to find him and he has to get ready for the festival. It only starts in three hours!" Izumi looks at Naruto freaked.
"I'm aware of when it begins your majesty. Would you like me to find him?"
"If you could. Tell him to take a bath, the butlers are waiting to put his traditional festival clothes on him and the maids are awaiting to style him properly."
"Of course your majesty."
Izumi nodded, turned on her heel and walked away. Naruto turned on her heel and walked down the stairs, her hands never leaving behind her back.
She found it amusing Izumi was freaking out so much she was running through the routine with her as if she were new all over again.

Naruto stopped a running maid.

"Have you seen the prince this morning?"
She shook her head and Naruto allowed her to continue to run off.

Sighing, Naruto sat in the corner of the room and connected the tips of her fingers. If anyone stopped to look at Naruto, they would think she was meditating for the big festival every commoner awaits for every year and so do the royals.
Her whiskers grew and so did the tips of her fingernails. Sending out a powerful wave of energy, Naruto began to scan for Sasukes familiar aura.

Deep under the ground of the kingdom. Sasuke could be found just finishing what he had taken two weeks to learn.
The black smith who had taken great joy in yelling at Sasuke for every little mistake. Was quite impressed by the perfectness of the ring.
"Good job. You finally made yourself useful."
Sasuke huffed as the old man clapped his back and sat back in his wooden chair.

The prince looked at his work. It wasn't perfect but it was gorgeous and had a sense of its own personality to it.

The door flew open just as Sasuke dropped the masterpiece into a leather bag and wiped the sweat dripping from his forehead, on his sleeve.
The person entering the sauna of a room, grabbed Sasukes collar and pulled him to his feet.

"What in the hell are you doing down here?"
Sasuke looked over his shoulder to see the exact person he'd spent his whole two weeks down here for. "Making something." He stated.
"You could do better Naruto." Scott easily complimented Naruto over Sasuke.
He sighed. Even after two weeks of taking his nonstop yelling it seems the old man still doesn't like him.
"I can do everything better than him Scott, it's not a surprise."
The old man barked a laugh as Naruto escorted Sasuke out of the room.
"You going to the festival tonight Scott?"
"I'll be drinking." He lifted the cup of beer and took a long drink from it as Naruto shut the door.

She looked back at Sasuke. Took an up and down look and scrunched her nose, but than unwrinkled it. She sniffed his clothes and looked up at him.

"You smell good."
Sasuke looked at her flabbergasted as she began up the spiral stairs. "I smell like wood and sweat."
"I know." Naruto looked over her shoulder than back at where she was walking. "I like the smell."
Sasuke raised an eyebrow and climbed the stairs faster to be right behind her. "Maybe I should bath you in my shirt of stench than."
"I said I liked the smell, not to smell like it."
"Oh come on, you love it."

Sasuek chased Naruto all the way up the stairs and through the corridors before she opened a door and kicked him in.

"Take a bath you stinky man."
The door shut after Naruto ordered him but he could care less. Sasuke looked down at the leather bag and smiled.

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