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At school the next day, Jungkook packed up his desk.

This desk has been used by him as a trash can. There was everything in it except textbooks. Jungkook held back his impatience and took it all out. An empty bottle of Coke, a ball of scrap paper, two car magazines, a cigarette case, a broken earphone, and a Rubik’s Cube.

He tilted his chair and leaned back, just enough to reach the wall, took the Rubik’s Cube and twisted it a few times, and he started feeling better.

After thinking about it, the Rubik’s Cube was put back into the desk, and everything else was thrown away.

Mingyu was called by Jungkook as soon as he entered the classroom. Seeing his frowning expression, he suddenly said seriously, “Brother Kook, is there another bastard who is itching for a beating? You say, who!”

Jungkook patted his head with his notebook, “Gyu!” Mingyu hugged his head aggrievedly, and listened to Jungkook coldly saying, “Go and get me a set of textbooks. From first year of high school to now, every subject is required. “

Mingyu stared at him incredulously.

Jungkook waited for a long time without responding, and kicked him, “Did you fucking hear?”

Mingyu withstood the beating from the big man, and grasping Jungkook's hand, he started crying with a sad face, “Brother Kook, are you in trouble? Tell your brothers, even if you go against a sword or down in a fire, we brothers will save you!”

“Kim Yugyeom!” Jungkook roared so loudly that it silenced the entire Class 9, “Drag this idiot out and kill him! Don’t let him show up in my sight for a week!”

When morning lessons got over, Jungkook got all the books he needed.

There were a dozen old and new books, Yugyeom panting, threw it down with a bang on his desk, which led to a cloud of dust.

Jungkook's eyes twitched fiercely as he looked at the books piled high at his feet.

Damn you would I even have time after all these studies?

The boss spent the morning in self-doubt and self-blame. As soon as the school bell rang, he sent a message to Eunwoo and asked him to come to the classroom of Class 9.

Eunwoo didn’t usually go to the cafeteria to eat, but brought his own meals. There was a microwave oven in the teacher’s lounge, which he was the only one in the grade who could use at will.

After a while, Eunwoo, who had been warming up the meal, ran over with his lunch box.

Class 9 was a forbidden place for good students to talk about. He didn’t even dare to pass by before. Now he walked into the classroom through the back door, and he felt a little excited inside.

Only Jungkook was in the classroom, sitting in the last position with an ugly expression, looking at the pile of books on the floor as if he was imagining killing his father’s enemy.

Seeing him come in penetratingly, he stretched his feet and hooked a chair to ask him to sit.

Eunwoo felt that he should compliment him, “Student Jeon, you are so active!”

Jungkook kicked the stack of books and asked desperately, “I have to finish all of these?”

He actually had no hope anymore.

Unexpectedly, Eunwoo said, “No, you just need to study six subjects.”

At that moment, Jungkook felt like a dying person who was injected with adrenaline, and the whole person came alive immediately, “Really?”

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