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Lisa did not even finish her homework, before she began to move Kookie into his new home.

She bought a cage three times the size of the cage he had before, laid a new nest, put the rollers and toys in it, and then carefully held Kookie and put it in.

The little hamster seemed to like his new home very much. He jumped up and down in the cage, stepped on the rollers and pushed the ball, and had a great time. Lisa lay down on the table looking at it and remembered the little pony the general had given her before.

At that time, the nanny also laughed at the general, saying that the nobles in Beijing kept pets like rare Persian cats, and no one kept ponies as pets.

But Lisa still liked it. She personally arranged a stable in her courtyard, fed the foal with grass and bristles every day, and talked to him as if he could understand her.

Later the little pony grew up a bit, and obediently bowed to let her climb on its back. She didn't dare to run far, so she rode her pony around in the general's house and had a lot of fun too.

Who said that the general did not know how to give gifts? It was much more fun than any Persian cat.

She just didn't know what happened to the little pony after her death.

When she arrived at school the next day, everyone was discussing the evening party to be organized by the school on May Fourth next month, during self-study.

Eunha put up a book and excitedly said to her, "I heard that there will be a ceremony for students to join the group during the day. In response to national policies, this evening party will definitely be very grand."

Sure enough, after class, monitor Doyoung took the list and asked one by one, "Are there any special programs? Can anybody play any musical instruments?"

When asked to the study committee member Bambam, he said, "My specialty is learning."

All the students around him wanted to hit him.

Apart from sports, Eunha was active in everything, "Squad leader! Me, me! I can play the clarinet!"

Doyoung nodded and wrote her name, "Then which songs do you play? Can you play pop songs? We can gather students who know musical instruments together and play a pop song."

As a result, Eunha said, "I can play twinkle, twinkle little star and happy new year."

Then Doyoung just crossed out her name, and asked Lisa, "Lisa, do you have any specialties? Just forget about the clarinet."

Lisa said softly, "Is Guqin OK?"

Doyoung was surprised, "Wow, you can play Guzheng? Not bad, very special, I will write it down for you!"

Lisa corrected him, "It's not Guzheng, it's Guqin, it's different."

After entering the general’s mansion that year, she lived in the courtyard alone for a long time. The general had been fighting abroad all the year round. He was afraid that she would be bored. So, he specially invited the Beijing guqin master to teach her how to play the guqin.

Doyoung waved indifferently, "Oh, it's all an artistic conception anyway, you are playing! You have been booked by me!"

After speaking, he continued to find other students.

Eunha looked at her enviously, "Lisa, you can still play the guqin? Guqin is difficult to learn? Why didn't you learn the piano?"

Curricular activities always aroused the students' interest more than learning. The discussion topics in the school all day were the May Fourth Evening and the performances of each class. They heard that this program will be ranked, and the top three will be rewarded.

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