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After sending Lisa on the bus, Jungkook returned to the school gate to ride on his motorcycle.

As soon as he started the engine, he received a call from Mingyu, “Brother, come to the pool hall to play a game or two? You should relax after studying for so long, and create a balance between work and rest!”

Jungkook didn’t really want to go.

But he did not play with Mingyu and the others for a while, and of course forcing them to study with him didn’t count. He didn’t refuse, and responded quietly.

When he arrived at the billiards hall, Mingyu and the others had already started playing.

The enclosed and dim room was filled with smoke. All the people inside knew him more or less, and greeted him with flattery, “Jungkook will play the best.”

He was quitting smoking recently, so he frowned, took the club that Jaehyun handed him, bent over, scored a point, and said quietly, “I’ll just play one game and leave.”

Mingyu lamented, “Learning from his little fairy has taken away all of Brother’s love for us.”

Jungkook laughed, “Fuck off.”

There was a noise on this end, and there was the sounds of curses coming from the other end. They didn’t know who lifted the table. But the billiard balls rolled all over the floor and the cue cracked and smashed into the beverage cabinet.

Followed by intermittent sound of cursing.

Mingyu who sat on the pool table with his elbows supported, stood up and looked around. It was not too much to watch the excitement, “Ah, it’s a fight!”

Jungkook hit his calf with a cue, “Get down, you fucking climb higher.”

Mingyu finally glanced around, and was about to jump down, when he suddenly said in surprise, “Acquaintance, isn’t that the calf in our school?”

Jungkook was taken aback, and asked, “Who?”

Mingyu jumped off the stage, “Kim Hanbin.”

Jungkook's eyes sank, but in the end he couldn’t stand by and walked over there with his cue, “Let’s take a look.”

The fighting was in the corridor near the toilet.

When they came closer, they saw a guy facing ten guys alone, full of vigor, and his mouth kept saying, “Fuck you! Come on! Whoever lies down is the grandson!”


After a few days, this little boy has become more and more rampant?

Hanbin roared and kept beating fiercely, but in the end it was hard to beat twenty hands, and his face was wounded. A tall man behind him found a wine bottle from God knows where and was about to slam it at the back of his head fiercely.

Jungkook kicked the person in front of him, raised his hand and raised his cue, hit it with one shot, knocking out the bottle of wine in that person’s hand.

The big guy joined the battle, so the big guy’s little brothers of course can’t stay out of the matter. Mingyu and several people picked up the tools at hand and joined in scoldingly.

The situation was suddenly reversed.

The people who took the lead to beat Hanbin saw who was coming, and immediately cursed, “Why the hell did Jungkook come to mix in this matter?! What’s the matter with you?”

Jungkook hit the calf of the man in front with the cue, and he immediately knelt down.

He grinned, “Seeing that the odds are uneven, I drew my sword and came to help.”

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