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After the end of the final exam, the teachers of each subject quickly presented the papers, and then began the class. After all, time is very tight. After the final textbook knowledge was finished, a round of review began as soon as the school started in September.

The weather was getting hotter and hotter. In mid-July, they didn’t know if the school suddenly bought a lottery ticket, but they began to install air conditioners in the classrooms.

This made the students happy, and even energetic in class.

On Lisa's birthday, Jungkook also happened to have his basketball finals.

No. 1 and No. 6 middle schools competed for the final league championship.

Now that the study time was so tight, the school did not let them go to the game. The prospective seniors went to class as usual, but the senior students who had not yet reached the second year of high school had all gone to cheer.

The team started training together early in the morning and only stopped in the afternoon. Before class, Lisa received a message from Jungkook. He said, “Wait for me to take first place and give you a birthday gift.”

Hanbin also sent her a message: “Sister, do you want me to broadcast it to you? I’ll broadcast it to you if you divide your next week’s pocket money with me.”

Lisa: “…”

She turned off her mobile phone and concentrated on class.

After the afternoon class was over, Jungkook's message had been sent. He asked her: “I got the first place, is there any reward?”

She was so happy, and returned the message: What do you want?

Jungkook typed “want you” in the chat box, and felt that this was too irritating, so he deleted it.

At the end of the competition, prizes will be awarded, and Lisa's self-study will be over when the program got over. As soon as she left the scene, she called him with a soft voice, “I’m on the bus and I’m almost home.”

He wiped the sweat from his forehead, “Wait for me at the Begonia Tree.”

He rode the motorcycle to the cake shop first, took the ice cream cake he had ordered in advance, and then rushed to her house.

When he arrived at Haitang Road, he saw her from a distance carrying a schoolbag, standing obediently under the Begonia tree, kicking the steps gently with her toes.

When she heard the motorcycle engine, she looked up in surprise, the bike seemed to squeeze by her in a gust of wind, and the boy who had not even changed his shirt jumped off the bike.

He smelled of sweat all over. The hair was messed up by the helmet, and it looked very rough. But the action was very light, and carefully took out the ice cream cake from the back and handed it to her, “Look if it’s messy.”

It was not bad, it looked exquisite and delicious.

He laughed and took out three candles from his pocket and put them on the cake.

Begonia flowers on the top of the head were blooming beautifully.

He lit the three candles with matches, and the warm orange color reflected the soft eyes of the girl.

He said, “Say three wishes, and I will help you make them come true.”

Lisa blinked, and her surprise was palpable, “Really? Any wish?”

Jungkook nodded, “Well, any wish is fine.”

She curled her eyes and smiled, “Okay.”

Looking down at the cake she was holding in her hand, she looked soft and pious, and said seriously, “The first wish, I hope that Jeon Jungkook will be safe and healthy, and live a long life.”

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