Chapter 14

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Y/n was glad Techno felt at least a little better.

"You got to be fucking kidding me?" A voice cam from behind them. Techno looked up and furrowed his brows. Y/n turned to see who it was, Sapnap and Dream. Sapnap stood there with his arms crossed, while Dream looked guilty.

"What?" Y/n asked, "you're dating him?!" Sapnap yelled, "what? No, I'm not?" Y/n and Techno looked at each other. Techno placed his hand on her shoulder.

"We're just friends, man." Techno shrugged, "Y/n, you're friends with the guy that beat me?" Y/n nodded, not understanding why that was so wrong. "I cant believe you!"

Sapnap started to rant, "I've know you longer than him! We were friends! You're supposed to be pissed off at him!"

"I'm supposed to be pissed off, because he's better than you?" Everyone went silent, "are fucking serious?" Sapnap walked up to Y/n, "alright, man. Calm she's not the one to be mad at." Techno stepped up as well.

"You know what, it's fine." Sapnap nodded as talked, "next race." Sapnap looked at Y/n, "I'll be the one creating a gap." Sapnap pushed Y/n into Techno's car.

Techno quickly grabbed her, "are you alright?" He asked, "I'm fine." Y/n wiped her clothing off as she watched the two walk away.

Y/n looked down shaking her head. "Well," she looked up to Techno. "I guess I should head home.."

"Here, how about I come over? That guy was a jerk." Techno suggested, Y/n nodded. "I just gotta tell HBomb." Techno walked over to the driver's window and said a few words.

Y/n pulled her phone out as they both walked to the car.

- Nick (Sapnap)
What the hell, Sapnap?!

They both got in the car, it was silent. "Where's you say the food was?" Techno asked, Y/n pointed to a compartment. Techno began digging through it.

She watched, he pulled out a chocolate bar. Y/n's phone vibrated. "Calvin?" Techno asked, Y/n shook her head, "Sapnap.."

- Nick (Sapnap)
Y/n, I'm so disappointed in you! You know that boy only wants you be around you because you're famous, that's it. No one could care about you, Y/n. Why do you think me, Dream, and Karl don't text you until after the race? The only reason we talk to you is so we can be in some of the pictures the paparazzi takes of you. You actually thought we cared anything about you? We don't and neither does that boy. Get it through you're head, Y/n. No one wants you, not even your parents.

Y/n stared at her the message, her mouth hung open. "You alright?" Techno had a mouth full of chocolate. Y/n looked at him, her eyes watered a bit.

Techno furrowed his brows. "What happened? What he say?" Y/n trusted Techno, she turned to phone around so he could read.

Techno quickly read through it, with no words no thing. He unbuckled himself then Y/n. He wrapped his arms around her.

Y/n felt her eyes water more and more by the second. "It's okay, Y/n.. I'm here for you, I always will be."

Y/n wiped her eyes, Techno lightly let go and grabbed her phone. He began to texts him back.

- Y/n <3
Dude, you have to be kidding me? How much of a dick are you? Damn, I don't care about her fame and I actually treat her good. You guys don't deserve to be able to have Y/n look at you. How about you get a life?

Techno closed her phone silencing it. He put it in his seat and moved over to Y/n. He put his arm around her. "Don't listen to idiots like him, Y/n. Definitely don't cry over them."

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