Chapter 41

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Callahan tried to make small talk with Y/n, but was shut down with "yeah."

She stared out there window the entire three hour flight. "What are you going to do when you get home?" Callahan asked her, sitting across. She took out her airpod, "didn't catch that."

He repeated his question, "I don't know yet, why?" She looked at him for the first time since she sat down. "Oh, just, like, if you wanted company or anything you have my number."

Y/n nodded, "I'll keep that in mind." She laid her head in her hand and continued to look out the window. Callahan sighed, not really knowing how to comfort people.

- Technoblade Minecraft
she say anything yet?
- Callahan
No, sir.
- Technoblade Minecraft
alright, let me know.
- Callahan
Yes sir.

When he looked up Y/n was typing on her phone. Callahan didn't want to invade her privacy, so he looked away. "I'm just texting Techno, you're good." Y/n had sent the text and looked back out the window.

"Are you guys going to be okay?" Callahan whispered, Y/n looked at him, he head still in her hand. "What do you mean?" Callahan leaned forward, "like your relationship, I'm sorry to intrude, but whatever happened had to be pretty serious for you to leave. It's obvious you both still love each other."

Y/n sighed, "I think we both need to take this time to grow up. It was an argument, that why I left. He found out what happened with the paparazzi and thought I was saying he wasn't good enough. He needs to take the time to understand his meaning to me. But," Y/n placed her airpods back in the case.

"He also needs to learn that he can trust me. That I'm not like his mother or his father. With that being said we need to have some time apart. Us being together 24/7 with all the events going on in our lives isn't helping. It's stressful just being a racer and me and him are one of the top ones. It causes even more stress and you put a relationship on top of that."

Callahan nodded as she spoke, "then there's social media, rumors, family, let's not forget Dream and Sapnap's jealous asses. It's just stress, we both need time to breathe."

Callahan nodded, "I understand." Y/n started to stand up and grab her bags. "But I sure fucking miss him." Callahan chuckled, "I expected that." As they both walked off of the plane and Callahan put their bags in the trunk, it was finally time to head home. Callahan drove, it only took about 30 minutes.

As he took Y/n's bags inside she placed his hand on her shoulder. "Callahan," he turned around to face her, she wrapped his arms around him. "Thank you," he was a bit shocked. "It's no problem," he smiled. "If you're ever lonely or just want to hang out you have my number."

He smiled and walked out, waving. Y/n sighed, she looked over to her kitchen, but out the window she saw her track. She felt the rush of adrenaline as she remembered the amount of laps she had run on that track. She looked out the front windows, Callahan had already left.

- Techno <3
  You make it home safe, baby?

- Y/n <3
   yeah, i'm all good. just got home.

She slipped her phone into her pocket, ignoring it as she walked to the track. It felt like a distant memory as she looked over to her car. She slid in, letting her hands grip the steering wheel. No noticing the notifications Techno left her.

She started it, the sound of the engine making her smile. She grabbed her gloves, sliding them onto her hands. "A lap or two couldn't hurt," she mumbled. She threw her foot onto the gas, taking the circle of the track.

A big grin throw onto her face as she passed the line again, again and again. As the sun set, she called it a day.

- Techno <3 5 hours ago
Missed Call
- Techno <3 5 hours ago
sorry, baby. you must be resting or unpacking, call me when you have a moment.

Y/n called him back, before he said anything she spoke. "Babe?" She had her finger nail in her mouth, "darling?" He smiled, "can I tell you something?"

"Anything," Y/n could hear other people talking in the background. "Who are you with?" Y/n sat down on her couch. "Calvin, and my family."

"I want to start racing again." Techno covered his mouth, not making a sound. Calvin noticed, "baby?" Y/n questioned him on the other end, he opened his mouth, but no words came out. "Are you there?" Her voice snapped him back to it, "are you sure you want to that, Y/n?" He started to walk away from everyone, heading back to his room.

"I am, I ran a few laps-" Techno interrupted her, "was Callahan with you?" He sat down on his bed, "no, but-" He interrupted her again, "Y/n, you could have gotten hurt."

"Techno, I'm still the top racer nationally. I've raced professionally for three years of my life and almost four. I can do it, I don't want to lose my chance." Techno muted himself, he sighed, "god damn."

He unmuted, "Y/n, I love you and I don't want you to get hurt or even risk it. But, if you honestly want to start again, I'll support you." You could hear Y/n celebration, "thank you, Techno. Thank you so much for being here."

- 3 weeks have passed -

Techno nervously tapped his foot, he looked out the window. Calvin examined the flowers he held for Y/n. "She's going to be so excited to see you," Calvin smiled. "Yeah," Techno sighed, "I hope so."

Techno wore a black, plain shirt. It was a bit tight around his arms, showing off how muscular his arms were. Wearing sweats that were the same black and black shoes.

As Hbomb held the door opened for him, he noticed how nervous he also looked. "Everything alright, sir?" He asked as he pulled away, "mhm." He stared out the window.

- Techno <3
I'm on my way home, darling.
- Y/n <3

Although she seemed excited, Techno was worried. He even grew more worried as Y/n's house came into view.

He took a deep breath as he stepped out, ringing the doorbell. The door was slammed opened, Y/n stood there, looking up to him. "Uh, hey.." Techno smiled, she wore shorts with a t-shirt.

She smiled and bounced into the air. She threw herself at Techno, wrapping her legs around him. Techno stumbled back, but wrapped his arms around her. "I missed you," she said from her head stuffed into the crook of his neck.

"I missed you, darling. But your knee is in my crotch.." Y/n got down apologizing, "oh, sorry." She smiled, she stood taller wrapping her arms around his neck. He smiled, she pulled back, placing her hands on his jaw. She kissed his entire face at least twice.

When she opened her eyes, Techno's face was red. As he gave a grin, he just looked at her with a goofy smile on his face. Y/n giggled, grabbing his hand and taking him inside. Techno closed the door behind him, he turned around to see Y/n already looking at him.

He smiled and handed her the flowers, she grinned. "They're pretty, thank you." She tossed them on the table and walked towards Techno. "What are you doing?" She always placed her flowers into vase immediately after receiving them.

She placed her hands onto his jaw pulling him down to her level. She cleared the gap immediately, Techno couldn't stop himself from smiling. He pulled at her sides, pressing her body against his. "Well, I'll just leave your bags here then." Hbomb placed some of his bags by the front door.

"Oh!" Y/n jumped back, not knowing he was there. "Sorry, Hbomb. I'll come help you," Techno let his hands fall as he went he grabbed the rest of his bags.

He shook Hbomb's hand and placed his last suitcase by the front door. He looked over to the kitchen where Y/n was looking at her flowers. She had placed them in a vase in the center of the table. He walked up behind her, placing his hand on her waist.

"I think they look good." Techno looked down to his girl, "I think you look good." She winked at him, he smiled, picking her up into her up into his arms. "Where are we going?"

"Upstairs," Techno grinned, Y/n covered her red face. "Why must you cover your face?" Techno laid her down in bed and pulled her wrists down. "After all," he removed his shirt, "you started this.."

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