Techno's Family 2

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Hard knocking, "girls! Get up! Boys! Get up!" William yelled, Techno and Micheal groaned while Y/n shot up to the banging. Techno moved his hand up and down her back still laying down in bed. "Probably should have warned you about him."

Y/n slowly laid back down, cuddling up to Techno again.

5 minutes later

Micheal slowly blinked his eyes opened again. Y/n and Techno woke him up. They were both quietly giggling and whispering. He could hear Techno's raspy voice whisper something then followed by Y/n's giggle. He furrowed his brows, "Techno." He said as he sat up, "sorry, bro. Did I wake you?" Techno said, he was already sitting up in bed. Y/n's head was laying in his lap.

"No, but do you want to go to the gym tonight? Like old times." He said, standing up. "Uh, I don't know, man. I don't think princess wants to stay here by herself. Techno squeezed her shoulder, "no, I'll be fine." Y/n said, sitting up, Alyssa ran in. "I don't know," Techno shrugged, "Princess! Will you play with me tonight? Pretty please?!"

"I'll be busy anyways," Y/n giggled, kissing his cheek. Alyssa hopped into the bed, sitting next to Y/n. "Alright, I'll go with you." He nodded and started to get dressed. Y/n averted her eyes, "bro," Techno said right before he took his pants off. "The ladies are in here," he pointed to Y/n and Alyssa. Hannah walked into the room, "Y/n, do you know how to braid? All my friends are braiding their hair."

"Oh, come on. Your friends wear the same thing everyday. Let's try to not be like them. I'll curl it for you." Y/n placed her head in her hand, Techno furrowed his brows. Her entire life Hannah has wanted to be exactly like her friends, can Y/n change that. "I'd like that actually."

"Okay, let me get ready and I'll be in there." As Hannah walked out Micheal and Techno stared at Y/n. "What?" She asked them, "how did you do that?" They mumbled, she giggled getting up and pulling clothing out from her bag. Micheal walked into the bathroom, shutting the door.

Techno kissed Y/n head, she slipped her clothing on before Micheal left the bathroom. When Micheal came out Techno was changing his shirt. "So you can change in front of the 'ladies', but I can't?"

Y/n giggled while she slipped her shoes on. Techno finished putting his shirt on, "shut up, Mike." He grumbled, "that's my fucking shirt!" Techno yelled as he turned around. Michael looked down to his shirt, it was indeed not his. "Give me my shit back!" Techno said, holding his arm out for him to hand it back. Y/n stood up, pulling his arm down. She lightly kissed his cheek, "be nice, Techno." She said as she walked out of the room.

Techno's features soften, "you can wear it for today. Just put it back when your done." Micheal smirked, "she just kisses you and all your anger goes away, huh?"

"Shut up, Mike." Techno furrowed his brows, "what? It's true isn't it? All your problems-" "I don't have fucking problems, man. I never have," Techno left the room. Just as he did the door across from his fling out. Hannah ram downstairs, Y/n was standing at the doorway. She was holding onto Alyssa's hand.

"Mom! Look what Y/n did to my hair!" Hannah actually sounded so pleased, Techno looked at her. Her smile while looking down to Alyssa, he felt his love for her. All of it. It all rushed to him at once.

Maybe she does make his problems go away. The problems his family swears he has, maybe she does fix them. Maybe she is like a bandage and his a scratch.

She's perfect.

Jesus Christ she's perfect.

Techno walked over, "Alyssa, run downstairs for me." She immediately did, Techno kissed Y/n. "Everything okay?" She asked him as he wrapped his arms around her. "It's fine, princess. It's just fine." He let go, giving her several kisses.

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