Birthday Trip - pt 2

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"Baby, wake up!" Techno said, sounding very excited. "What? It's four am, Techno.." Techno pulled her up out of bed, "it's a surprise. Throw on your bathing suit."

Y/n drowsily did, throwing sweatpants over. Techno grabbed her hand, pulling her outside. He had a bag in his hand, "what's in your bag?" Y/n asked him, "you'll see."

"Techno, it's still dark." Y/n walked slowly with him, "the sun will come up soon." Techno pulled her over to the beach, it was completely empty. He laid a towel down and waited for Y/n to pull off her cover up.

He pulled her over to the water, she pulled back. "It's cold," she said to him. He grabbed her waist, kissing her, over and over again. While he did, he slowly backed into the water.

He held her hand as they walked in the water. "Come on, baby." Techno said, pulling her to shore. The sun was slowly started to rise, he sat her down on the towel, sitting next to her.

"You wanted to watch the sunrise," Y/n held onto his arm. "Yes," Techno looked at her. "I wanted to see something beautiful."

"So, I brought you with me." He winked at her, she rolled her eyes with a smile. They watched the sun rise and the darkness start to fill with light. The yellow and orange melted together, pushing away the purple and blue. Techno wrapped his flannel around Y/n.

She looked up to him, he was already looking at her. He softly smiled, getting closer to her. She placed her hand on the side of his neck, pulling him into her. Their lips lightly touched for seconds. They pulled away, just to go in again.

Y/n lightly slipped her tongue into his mouth. She could feel him failing to hold back a smile. They pulled away looking at each other, "I wish you would have given me at least a week before we came here." Techno mumbled, "why?" Y/n asked, "I would've proposed." He winked at her, she looked down smiling.

Techno picked her chin up, "this is about you though, baby." She said, his brows furrowed. She pulled him over, so she could whisper in his ear. "But next trip, you definitely should." He grinned tackling her, she smiled, but push him into the sand.

"Oh, so you want to get me dirty?" He tried to grabbed Y/n, but she ran. He chased her, they were laughing. Techno couldn't catch her so he collapsed. "Ow, ah, damn it!" He said, holding his knee. Y/n ran over to him, kneeling down next to him. "Are you okay?" She placed her hand on his shoulder.

He grabbed her rolling her in the sand, "Techno!" She yelled, but laughed. "You got your own flannel dirty." She said, wiping the sand on it. Techno kissed her cheek, "you look good in it. You should wear it more often."

She smiled at him, "come on, let's get back to the room so we can make breakfast." He pulled Y/n up, on top of his shoulders. He grabbed their things and went back to their room.

"Fancy or casual?" Y/n asked Techno, "whatever is easiest to take off of you." He winked at her, "Techno!" She shook her head, "casual, baby."

She threw on jeans and a tanktop, "are you ready?" Techno asked her she nodded, he took her hand and they walked to the breakfast place together. "Excuse me?" Someone called to them, they turned around to see a small family of 3. Two mothers with a son, "hello." Y/n said, "oh, it is you guys! Y/n and Technoblade." The lady smiled, "my son is a big fan of both of you. Is it okay if he can take a quick picture?"

Y/n nodded, "yeah, of course." Techno said, they both knelt down the boy in the middle of them. Techno's hand was on his back, Y/n put her hand on top of Techno's.

"Aren't you guys together?" The boy asked, they both nodded. He fist bumped Techno, "my man." He said, Y/n giggled and Techno nodded his head. "Oh, there's also a picture of you guys making out on the beach going around." He said, then walked away. Y/n covered her eyes in embarrassment. "Thank you, guys." The moms said as they walked away.

When Y/n looked up Techno was scrolling on his phone. "What are you doing?" She asked him, "I'm looking for that picture. I want it." He found it and smiled, saving it to his phone.

They finally made their way to the breakfast place. Techno put his menu down after deciding what he wanted. He looked over to Y/n, she was looking around. "Baby," her pants were unbuttoned. "What's going on with your jeans?"

She patted her stomach, "I have to make room." Techno rubbed his brows, holding back his laugh. Y/n was being completely serious, the waiter came over. They order their food, Y/n's leg was bouncing under the table.

Techno looked up to her, she was looking around the restaurant. He pushed his lag against her, squeezing it between his leg and the pole supporting the table. "Look," he showed her his wallpaper, which was the picture of them on the beach.

"Look," she showed him hers, which was him smiling. He was wearing sweatpants, but no shirt. It was a live photo, so if she held down it was him calling her beautiful.

Techno felt Y/n's leg rest on top of his, he slowly moved his hand up and down.

Time Skip

"How much should I tip?" Y/n whispered to Techno, "I got it all, baby. You're not spending any money." He placed a 20 on the table and they started to walk out. The paparazzi was outside, but when they walked out they did not crowd them.

"How are you guys doing?" One man asked well everyone took pictures in their own space. "We're good," Techno said, "that's good." He said, "you guys look beautiful, have a good one." Y/n smiled, "you guys are so sweet. Thank you, be safe."

They continued walking, "where are we going?" Techno took her hand, "let's get you some stuff." He walked her to a few places, then she heard someone running towards them. "Techno! Y/n!" Tommy yelled from behind them.

"Tommy! What are you doing here? I told Phil to keep you two busy." Y/n sighed, "he's being a total asshole, Y/n! Telling me where to go and where not to go." Phil stepped up, "I told him not to go in front of a car that was going 90."

"Come on, Y/n! Let's all hang out together. You guys can have alone time all night." Techno smirked, "I'm hoping so." Y/n rolled her eyes, "that's disgusting." Tommy said and grabbed Y/n's wrist. He started to walk towards no one knows where. "Okay, we can stop walking now. I'll rent a car," Y/n pulled her phone out.

Time Skip

"Y/n! Let's head to the beach and get dinner afterwards!" Tommy yelled, Techno was driving and they had already shopped around for a little bit. Y/n looked over to Techno, "that's fine with me." He said, she nodded. They headed back to the hotel and got ready.

While Y/n was doing her hair Techno walked into the bathroom. She looked at him, she gasped. "Techno!" She had a big smiled on her face, "you're going to match me!" She mouthed to him placing her hands on his abs.

He was wearing the pink trunks she got him. He smiled, "if you get dressed then yeah." Y/n threw on her bathing suit. "We look cute!!" She hugged him looking in the mirror. Techno pulled out his phone and took a quick picture of them. "Let's go," Y/n grabbed his hand, they walked over to the beach.

Time Skip

"Is this place okay?" Techno asked everyone as he parked outside a restaurant. Everyone headed inside, they made small talk while they waited for their food.

Techno rubbed the inside of Y/n's thigh, "here's are the drinks." The waiter handed everyone alcohol expect for Phil and Tommy.

"Another beer, sir?" The waiter asked Techno, "yes, thank you." Y/n denied his offer for glass of wine.

After a few minutes the waiter replaced Techno's drink for him again. "Techno," Y/n whispered, "what, baby?" He asked her, whispering as well. "Is that your last drink?"

"Why? I feel fine? Is something wrong?" He squeezed the inside of her leg, "no, it's fine. I just thought you wanted to... watch a movie, tonight." She was trying to hint at him, "oh, baby. We can watch a movie, I'll be fine." He didn't take the hint, "Techno."

He looked at her, she pointed at herself then his lower body. He furrowed his brows, "you want to cuddle?" He pulled her closer, she sighed rubbing her brows. "Waiter," she called him over. "Go ahead and get that other glass please."

didn't proofread lol sorry

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