141 ; this isn't you, won-won 🥺

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hermione looks down at the newspaper.

"you're bloody lucky you weren't killed. you have to realize who you are, harry"

"i know who i am, hermione, all right?"

you sigh slightly.

you all walk by ron and lavender, who was putting a necklace around ron's neck while he was insisting that he would wear it.

you grimace slightly.

"excuse me, i have to go and vomit"

you purse your lips, waving bye to harry and walking off with hermione.

♡ ┊ ┊


apparently he had eaten most of the chocolate romilda vane had given harry, which had love potion laced in them. but you weren't too sure about what happened after that to get him in the hospital wing.

dumbledore and the other professors walk in.

"quick thinking on your part, harry, using a bezoar. you must be very proud of your student, horace"

"hm? oh, yes. very proud"

"i think we agree, potters actions were heroic. the question is, why were they necessary?"

"why, indeed?" dumbledore steps over to slughorn.

slughorn holds up a bottle wrapped in brown paper.

"this appears to be a gift, horace. you don't remember who gave you this bottle?"

slughorn shakes his head slightly.

"which, by the way, possesses remarkably subtle hints of licorice and cherry... when not polluted with poison" dumbledore hands it to snape.

"actually, i had intended to give it as a gift myself"

"to whom, i might ask?"

"to you, headmaster"

it was silent for a moment.

"where is he? where is my won-won?"

you groan under your breath as lavender runs in, "has he been asking for me?"

she looks over to you and hermione.

"what're they doing here?"

you raise an eyebrow.

"might ask you the same question" hermione stands up.

"i happen to be his girlfriend"

"i happen to be his... friend"

"don't make me laugh. you haven't spoken in weeks" lavender scoffs, "i suppose you want to make up with him now that he's suddenly all interesting"

"he's been poisoned, you daft dimbo!"

you snort.

"and for the record, i've always found him interesting"

ron starts to mumble something.

"ah. see? he senses my presence"

you deadpan.

"don't worry, won-won. i'm here. i'm here" she leans on the bed.

ron continues to mumble inaudible words.

"uh.. hermione.." he mutters, "hermione.. hermione.."

you smack a hand on your face to stop yourself from laughing.

lavender rons off, sobbing.

"oh, to be young, and feel love's keen sting. well, come away, everybody. mr. weasley is well tended"

you sit up, stepping over to harry and ginny.

"about time, don't you think?"

you just nod, feeling your stomach turn.

"thank you" harry says to madam pomfrey, smirking slightly at hermione.

"oh, shut up" she smiles slightly.

you send a final glance towards ron and hermione, pursing your lips and walking off.

♡ ┊ ┊


it looked like she was about to snap the spoon in half as she stares at ron.

you raise your eyebrows and turn back to your food, poking it slightly.

but you look up as snow starts to fall.

"stop it, ron. you're making it snow" hermione says.

you dust the snow from your portion of the table.

"tell me how i broke up with lavender again"

"um, well.. she came to visit you in the hospital. and you talked. i don't believe it was a particularly long conversation"

"don't get me wrong, i'm bloody thrilled to be shot of her. it's just.. she seems a bit put out"

"a bit?" you scoff, you all look back at her.

"yes, uhm.. she does, doesn't she? you say.. you don't remember anything from that night? anything at all?"

you glance between them.

"there is something"

it was silent for a moment.

"but, it can't be. i was completely boggled, wasn't i?" he laughs.

you just laugh awkwardly along with the other two.

"right. boggled" hermione says quietly.

a bunch of people walk passed.

"harry" hermione whispers, "that's katie. katie bell" she says a bit louder.

harry sits up, making sure to take his precious book with him and going after her.

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words ; 674

date posted ; 9/05/22


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