That night

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~ 1 month later ~

I finally live in my house, even if I ended up getting used to pay the expensive hotel room.

I woke up at 6:30am and go to work, the day passing by unbelievably quickly.

When I finish work, I go back to home and go shower. Tonight is the night. I'm going to the restaurant. Eating noodles every night is starting to disgust me and I just got my first paycheck from the store so I can offer myself that.

When I get there, I order a plate of six sushis, a big burger and a salad. I order a chocolate cake too. After I ate everything, I paid and got out of the restaurant, heading home. Thanks Google maps. After a few minutes of walk, my phone runs out of battery in the less recognizable spot of all L.A. "Shit !" I curse as I look around having no idea where I am exactly. I have no idea where to head to go back home. I start to panic a bit and see the first human I saw in those last minutes of walk. I compose myself, the hooded figure walking fast then past me. I breathe quickly knowing I won't have another shot soon if I don't take this one.

"Excuse me ?" I start, the person turning around, "Hi. Umm... My phone just ran out of battery and I'm kinda new here and don't know where I have to go to get back to my place. Are you- Do you live here ?"

"Oh yeah, yeah I live here. Where do you need to go ?" The woman walks toward me, taking her hood off.

My breath gets stuck in my throat as I go to answer. I can't help but having my breathing getting faster and faster.

"Are you okay ?" She asks seeing me begin to panic.

"No- No. I'm okay- I'm just having a little panic... attack. Hold on." I turn my head from her, my index finger raised to a hold position, trying to keep some dignity.

I try to calm myself but nothing works.

I really don't feel well, I'm out of breath. She grabs my hand and sits me onto the nearest bench.

"Okay. Calm down. Follow my breathing."

I look in her eyes and follow her breath. I soon start to feel better. She is rubbing my back with her left hand and puts her right hand on my cheek.

"Are you feeling better ?"

"Yes. Thank you Hailee," I whisper, air starting to go in and out of my lungs normally again. "Thank you, really. And sorry for... that," I continue, really embarrassed.

She chuckles, making me smile.

"Don't worry it's fine, it happens to me too, it can be hard to handle on your own." She hands me her water bottle. "Here, drink."

I drink a bit, enjoying the fact that I'm drinking at her bottle of water. I look back up at her.

"So can you help me go home ?" I ask in a chuckle.

"How can I be sure you are not going to kidnap or kill me ?" She responds, her eyes teasing me.

"Well you can't be sure of anything that's the whole point." I answer, winking at her.

"Fine, I'll help you," she smirks, "Where do you live ?"

"Next to Melrose avenue in West Hollywood."

"Alright, let's go !"

I smile at her as we start walking.

"What's your name by the way ?"

"Jude. Jude Millier."

"Nice to meet you Jude Millier, I'm Hailee Steinfeld."

"I think I acknowledged it already," I giggle, making Hailee laugh.

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