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It was late at night when I heard someone slowly opening my door. Thinking it'll be a kidnapper, I covered up under my sheets under my eyes

As soon as I heard a loud thud and the word 'crap' escaping someone's lips I immediately laughed recognizing the voice as Tom

"What are you doing here?" I asked still giggling while Tom sat on my bed and looked at me

"I thought I'd sneak here and cuddle you but here is the karma I thought about" he hissed rubbing his toe pinkie

"Awww, are you hurt?" I fake pouted and sat up to hug him from behind and kiss his shoulder

"Your baby needs a kiss to stop it hurts" Tom fake pouted too as I giggled and kissed his cheek "this isn't enough," he said in a childish voice and turned around

"What should I do then baby boy?" I teased as he looked down at my lips

"I want cuddles" he stuck out his lower lip and leaned to kiss my lips like a little kid

"Then come on we're about to have cuddles, Tommy" I smirked as I lay down and spread my hands in for a hug

He jumped onto my arms and cuddle with me

"I missed you" he mumbled into my neck

"We saw each other like 4 hours ago" I rolled my eyes while smiling

"Too long" he stated before falling asleep


"Honey! The dinners ready!" My mom shouted from downstairs. I and Tom were in the middle of making out when we heard the door open

I quickly pulled away and bit my lip while looking away. I saw my brother clench his jaw before shutting the door and walking away

"He hates me" Tom spoke as I couldn't but agree. Even though Lukas and Tom are quite similar, they just didn't get along ever since we came six days ago

Me and Tom normally just go on walks as he meets my neighborhood or my friends from the past but today, mom wanted us to have a family dinner and invited the family across the street. The family has a boy my age named Chuck that I was dating before I went to college but Tom doesn't know that

We both adjusted our clothes and hair before I wipe the lipstick from Tom's lips and smiled at him

"He doesn't hate you, just dislike you" I smirked as he rolled his eyes and chuckled "let's go" I took him by his hand and led him downstairs to the others

Everyone was already seated by the table. Chuck sent me a little smile which I tried to smile back but ended miserably. Our break-up wasn't one of the best ones

I sat at the chair next to mom and Lukas while Tom sat in front of me with my dad and Chuck next to him.

We just silently started eating when Chuck suddenly spoke

"You see Tom, is Harper that good at bed like she was before?" He said which caused me and my dad to spill the water from our mouths

Tom gulped as he looked at Chuck

"Excuse me?" Tom politely said even though I can tell he's really angry and uncomfortable talking about me like that in front of my family

"I said" Chuck started again with his mouth full of food

"Okay stop it," I said before he could continue "Chuck just finish the food and you can go," I said through gritted teeth and looked at Tom who gave me a confused look

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