Stomach Butterflies {Chapter 2}

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Steven Stone POV

I felt the bloody petal on my hand, and stared at it for a moment, before blowing it away, watching it drift away as the wind takes it. I looked at Wallace, as he ran with him holding his bouquet. I couldn't just leave that thought in my mind, that feeling, but I brushed it off.  I walked to the docks, hoping to clear my mind out of anything else. I took out one of my shining pokeballs, sending out my trusted Skarmory, kindly requesting it to head to my home, Mossdeep City.

After the long trip, I sent my metallic bird Pokemon back to its small pokeball, as I entered my home, a small, quaint and cozy cottage, with my rare stone collection which I take pride in, which I doubt people would fall over it, but it's the one thing I love about it. I removed my suit coat, and my metal cuffs, feeling more comfort as I sit down on my couch. My Metagross was out of its Pokeball, but I do not mind it, as it's simply looking out for me, and they're my partner as well. I decided to turn on the television to see what's interesting.

"Hoenn TV: Sootopolian Gym Leader Wallace creates a stunning illusion in today's Pokemon Contest Spectacular!" 

As the television plays his performance, with him spinning and twirling with his serpentine pokemon, Milotic, as it unleashes its majestic water illusion. And after that bow of his, I just felt like I was hypnotized, dazed. Then the shot of him transitions to him with the girl he was talking about earlier, Winona, the Flying type Gym Leader. I gazed at the screen, looking at her lavender hair, and teal winged outfit.  I turned off the television, as I felt an odd, light and fluttery feeling in my stomach, I just sat there for a while, just breathing heavily. Metagross just stared at me, giving me a concerned look, I tilted my head to my partner Pokemon, simply saying that it's fine.

Atleast I think it was...

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