Rocky Shores {Chapter 3}

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Wallace POV

The night has fallen, as I stand near the deep blue ocean, near Sootopolis City, simply watching the waves as they crash into the rocky floor.  My mind was filled with lots of thoughts, specifically about Steven. It wasn't like he looked sad or anything, it was more of that look he gave me as I left. He looked... uneasy. "Was it something I said? Probably not..."  I decided to have a small walk near the shore. And then, I felt something vibrating in my pocket; it was my PokeNav, and I answered the call, without any hesitation. 


"Ah, it's me, Steven. Sorry for the sudden call, I just..wanted someone to talk with."

"Oh, I was also feeling alone. But I understand." 

"We can be... alone together?"

I decided to keep him company for a while, since he did say he felt alone.  He went on to ramble about geology and what other interesting things he has studied, and I listened, maybe even talked about my experiences as a Pokemon co-ordinator.  And I found out that he had an interest in stargazing too. I entered my house, as we still were talking. "Hey, Wallace, are you still there? I apologize if I keep talking." His voice sounded a little worried, though. "No no, it's alright, really."

"This might sound odd but, are you in a relationship with Winona? I saw you with her on TV." Steven asked. It did sound like his curiosity peaked at that moment, and so did mine.

"Well, we're not really in a relationship, but we are trying. We did it once and it had a falling out, as that's how she called it." After that,  I can hear on the other end was muffled coughing. I felt concerned, if he was alright. I tried calling out his name, but he hung up the call. 

Now I was in my room, deep in more thoughts, as deep as the rocky shore, head in the clouds.

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