Chapter Nine- Awkward

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It was as silent as outer space in Levi's office, the tension so thick you could cut through it with a knife. I don't know if I can clean his office for five days straight before eaither I died or ran screaming. The awkwardness was way to much to handle.

At least Armin only got two more days left of stable duty. Lucky kid. I wasn't jealous, don't get me wrong. Only small things get me Petra bringing Levi tea. Even though I told myself I didn't care. Just the thought of her coming to his office every night...nope I don't care. Not at all.

She and I glared at each other as she angrily put the tea pot down and some cups. "So Levi..." She said as she poured the tea and distributed them "I saw you propose to..I'm sorry what's your name girl?" She said to me.

The group choked on there drinks and Levi coughed, trying not to get any of the splutters onto his paper work. I felt my jaw tighten as I glared daggers at her. "Petra that was not what happened. Now leave" Levi said as he wiped his fingers down his ODM jacket, showing that he was a little uneasy.

He grabbed her by the wrist and yanked her close. I could just feel the satisfaction oozeing off of her. "We will discuss this later, understand?" I stared at my plate as I moved my potatoes around. I felt like I was re-experiencing a school crush and I just caught him laughing with someone else.

Stupid and foolish, but unable to help the feeling. I rolled my eyes and looked over at Armin, who was staring at me. I suddenly stood up "I'm done eating, I'm gonna return my tray to the mess hall then return and start cleaning. Is that ok captain?"

He waved his fingers, dismissing me as he stared Petra down. I heard her giggle and say yes captain in this flirtatious voice. "Hey, f/n!" Armin called to me as he rushed to catch up to me. "I've noticed you been acting different...more different then usual. Is everything ok?"

"Yeah." I fumed "Don't worry about it ok?" I said as I gave him a fake smile. He already was so young and dealing with so many issues, I'm an adult. Just cause I'm dealing with a crush does not mean I can heap my problems onto a child.

"It's just when your around Captain Levi you get a little strange, you seem to grow distant. I'm just won-"

"Armin." I snapped, halting my steps "I'm fine, ok? Yes I have an issue but I'm handling it."

He let out a sigh "I'm not stupid Miss. L/n, I know you like the captain."

I froze, my eyes widening. I looked around and grabbed him gently by the shoulder and pulled him into an empty room. "Am I that easy to read?"

"No, actually your not. I didn't figure it out till we had dinner in the office. And then Petra came along and you almost bent your spoon. I don't think the captain knows you like him and I know for certain Eren and the others don't. I think Mikasa knows somethings wrong, but dosent know what eaither. Your extremely good at hiding what truly irritates you."

I will say, it gave me some relief to know that I'm not as easy to read as easily as I thought I was. "Thanks Armin, that means a lot to me. It really does."

"If you want some advice, be careful. I'm serious" he said when he saw me chuckle "Petra is part of his squad, she can make your life hell. Eaither tell Levi how you feel or keep your emotions on the down low."

My smile faded as I looked into his eyes, serious as can be. "I know Armin, thank you. I know how much my emotions can screw everything up, especially if it's only one sided. I'm trying to kill these feeling before they get out of hand." I laugh gently "he doesn't even like me. Why would he?"

Armin only shrugged "You actually might be wrong. Have you asked him how he felt about you? Or even better yet.. tell him these feelings?"

I shook my head, tapping my knee with my fingers. I jerked back when I felt his finger swipe against my head "Then how do you know that he doesn't like you!" He almost shouted, all flustered. "Your getting worked up over nothing!"


"We don't have the luxury of playing games with our hearts, are you dumb? Tell him how you feel, and if he rejects you then we'll deal with that issue when we come across it! God damn it a kid shouldn't be telling you that this isn't a world where we can waste a second of life." He jokes.

"Yeah" I chuckle "I've been telling myself the same thing. I've just had a lot of indecision. It's so soon you know?"

"And? There is a thing called 'Love at first sight'." He said rolling his eyes.

"Your getting sassy young man." I laugh and he poked me. "So when are you gonna tell him."

"In a week.."

He made a buzzer noise with his throat "Wrong answer."

"Fine, fine. The last day of my punishment. How about that?"

"That's ok. But we should return our trays to the lunch room and get to our jobs before Levi tack on a year of cleaning."

"Then I'd never have to tell him" I grin "that's a tempting offer."

We kept bantering back and forth as the person who was listening at the door slipped away.
Oooo, a mysterious character! I wonder who it was >:D let's find out in the next chapter shall we? Mwahaha! But now the count down begins! What will happen? Will Levi accept your feelings? Or will he break your heart? Let's see shall we! Thank you all for reading this! And I'll see you later!

                    ________________________Oooo, a mysterious character! I wonder who it was >:D let's find out in the next chapter shall we? Mwahaha! But now the count down begins! What will happen? Will Levi accept your feelings? Or will he bre...

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